42 - Б


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Writing skills on the topic 
"Demand and supply"

I Distribute the verbs by their meanings into 2 catagories (розподіліть слова на дві категорії: "Зростання" та "Спадання")

Increase, decrease, go down, reduce, go up, fall, lower, rise, augment. 

II Fill in the chart

Factors influencing the demand

Factors influencing the supply



III Choose the proper word from 2 variants in brackets (оберіть одне з двох слів )

1. The fashion for mini-skirt (increased/reduced) the demand for textile materials.

2. Even in (some/the same) middle-income countries many people are

very poor.

3. Government regulations sometimes (decrease/impose) a change in

(technology/quantity) that producers do not want to use.

4. Stabilization of prices is of great importance to industrial nations (as we/as /as well) the Third World countries.

5. Freeing up (освобождение) prices leads to their (decrease/increase).

6(Inferior/ Normal) goods are usually low-quality goods for which there are higher-quality (improvements/substitutes) sold at higher prices.

7. A decrease in (complement/ input) prices makes the production less expensive.

 IV Divide these lines into words to make sentences (розподіліть слова, щоб утворити речення)

1. Supplyisthequantityofagoodthatsellerswishtosellatcertainprice.

2. Asconsumerincomeisincreaseddemandfornormalgoodswillalsoincrease.



Exercise 1.Read and learn the following words and word combinations.

account- рахунок; pl.-звітність; бухгалтерські рахунки;

accounts receivable- рахунки дебіторів;

accountant- кваліфікований бухгалтер;

certified public accountant (CPA - A.E.), chartered accountant (C.A. – B.E.) – дипломований бухгалтер вищої кваліфікації, аудитор

accounting – облік; бухгалтерський облік; офіційна звітність;

bookkeeping- бухгалтерія; бух.облік (від book-бухгалтерська книга);

bookkeeper- рахівник; бухгалтер;

entry- запис (від to enter- вписувати; заносити до запису);

financial entry- фінансовий запис;

double entry- подвійний запис;

ledger- бухгалтерська книга; бухгалтерський реєстр; головна книга;

to post- робити проводку; заносити в бухгалтерську книгу;

розносити рахунки;

assets- активиoppliabilities- пасиви;

fixed assets- основний капітал; основні засоби;

current assets – поточні активи;

to owe – бути винним, заборгувати;

owners equity – статутний капітал; власний акціонерний капітал;

gross income – валовий прибуток; syn. profit before taxes;

expenses – витрати;

travelling and entertainment expenses-витрати на подорожі та розваги;

+at someones disposal – у чиємусь розпорядженні;

audit – аудит, перевірка.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text:


Accounting is recording, classifying, summarizing and interpreting financial transactions to provide management and other interested parties with information they need to make correct financial decisions. Accounting process consists of two parts: bookkeeping, that is, mechanical process of recording, classifying and posting financial entries into the ledger, and accounting itself, that is, interpreting of financial data, making financial statements, designing accounting information system within a business and advising management on financial matters. Accounting deals with accounts, that is, financial entries grouped together by common characteristics.

Assets are everything that a business owns. Buildings, equipment, machinery, land are fixed assets; money, cash, accounts receivable are current assets.

Liabilities are obligations, debts of a business, what it owes to creditors, banks, suppliers, investors, customers and so on.

Owner’s equity is the capital which the owner will receive if he sells all assets and pays all his liabilities. Owner’s equity is assets minus liabilities.

Revenues are incoming money or gross income or profit before taxes.

Expenses mean outgoing money including salaries and wages, rent, traveling and entertainment expenses.

The final products of accounting are financial statements: Balance Sheet that shows financial position of a business at a definite point of time, and Income Statement (G.B. - Profit and Loss Account) that shows financial position of a business over a definite period of time: month, quarter, year.

+The system of bookkeeping is based on the principle of the double entry, which means that each transaction is entered twice, as a credit in one account and as a debit in another account. If we deposit $ 100 US with a bank, for example, the bank enters a debit for the receiver and a credit for the giver. The former represents an asset to the bank, since it is a sum of money at the bank’s disposal, as well as a liability, since one day it will have to be repaid.

Accounting is done by accountants. Highly qualified accountants (in the USA certified public accountant- CPA, in Great Britain chartered accountant- CA) can perform audit.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What do we call ‘accounting’?

2. What is the aim of accounting?

3. What are the two parts of accounting process?

4. How does bookkeeping differ from accounting?

5. Into what categories are all accounts grouped?

6. What do the following groups of financial entries like assets,

liabilities, owner’s equity, revenues, expenses characterize?

7. What are the final products of accounting?

8. What is the main difference between the balance sheet and the income statement?

9. How is the principle of double entry applied?

10. What do we call people who perform accounting and audit?

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

+підведення підсумку; фінансові операції; зацікавлені сторони; механічний процес запису; за спільними ознаками; зобов’язання; включаючи; заробітна платня; фінансовий звіт; у певний момент часу; за певний проміжок часу.



The theme of this light-hearted lesson is office jargon. Students read a satirical article on everyday business clichés used in the modern workplace. 






Task 1.  Do the tasks 2,3,4 in writing


Refresh your knowledge!

Do the tasks in writing (Виконайте завдання письмово)

І  Перекладіть на українську мову наступні речення

1.    Нестача ресурсів змушує людей обмежувати свої потреби та бажання.

2.    Виробництво товарів та послуг залежить від співпраці виробника та споживача.

3.    В командній економічній системі все залежить від уряду країни.

4.    Традиційна система економіки базується на звичаях, традиціях та релігії.

5.    В ринковій економіці є багато різних ринків.


ІІ  З’єднайте слова та їх значення

1. market

a. a situation in which there is not enough of something

2. scarcity

b. the act of buying and using products

3. goods

c. the process of making or growing things to be sold

4. consumption

d. the place where people buy and sell goods

5. production

e. things that are produced in order to be sold

ІІІ  Заповнити пропуски в тексті словами з таблички

Microeconomics, like macroeconomics, is a fundamental method for 1)….the economy as a system. It treats households and firms interacting through individual markets as irreducible elements of the economy, given scarcity and government regulation. A 2)…. might be for a product, say fresh corn, or the services of a factor of production, say bricklaying. The 3)…. considers aggregates of quantity demanded 4)….buyers and quantity supplied by sellers at each possible price per unit. It 5)…. these together to describe how the market may reach equilibrium as to price and quantity or respond to market changes over time.

   combines , market, analyzing, by,theory





1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

a) stress the first syllable:

nation, wide, territory, country, former, chemical, agriculture, function, decade, aggregate, national, system, link, management, product, cycle, clearly, border, gross, monetary, credit, break, crisis, index, negative, rate, sign, branch, reason, price, power, carrier, government, stimulus;

b) stress the second syllable:

declare, formation, inflation, confirm, industrial, potential, traditional, financial, political, domestic, republic, dynamic, metallurgy, machine-building, production, productive, economy, co-operate, technology, inherit, dependence, suffice, emergence, development, appear, reform, reorganize, restore, effective;

c) stress the third syllable:

independent, referendum, economic, predetermine, realization;

d) stress the fourth syllable:

stabilization, privatization.

2. Read the following words. Mind the difference in pronunciation.


Translate the words:

a) produce — to produce; transport — to transport; object — to object; process — to process; decrease — to decrease; increase — to increase; progress — to progress; record — to record; import — to import; export — to export;

b) formation — to form; graduate — to graduate; finance — to finance; unity — to unite; tax — taxation — to tax; privatization — to privatize.


Text A

On August 24, 1991 the Verkhovna Rada declared the formation of the Independent Ukrainian State and on December 1991, a nation-wide referendum confirmed the formation of a new large European state.

As to its territory Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe. As to its industrial potential, this is one of the most developed republics of the former Soviet Union with highly developed metallurgy, machine-building, chemical production and agriculture.

The economy of the Soviet Union was functioning for decades as an aggregate national economic system linked by united management, co-operated links1 and applied technologies. This has predetermined the inherited dependence2 of Ukraine on economic ties with former republics of the former Soviet Union. It will suffice to point out that 2/3 of the country’sgross domestic product3 did not have a closedproductive cycle4 in Ukraine.

Clearly the emergence5 of political and economic borders in a formerly united economy, the emergence of the national monetary-credit andfinancial systems6, breaking of the system of traditional economic links have brought the economy of the country to a crisis. Almost all the indices of the economic development have negative dynamics. But the rates ofdecrease of production are slown down7 and first signs of stabilization appear in a number of branches of economy.

One of the main reasons of inflation are prices for power carriers8 imported from Russia. These prices have increased by hundreds times during the last years. The government of Ukraine sees the way out of the crisis in realization of the programme of economic reforms which would make it possible to reorganize the economy, to change its structure, to carryout9 privatization and to restore stimuli to a highly effective  work.


1. co-operated links — cпiльнi зв’язки

2. inherited dependence — успадкована залежнiсть

3. gross domestic product — внутрiшнiй валовий продукт

4. closed productive cycle — замкнутий виробничий цикл

5. emergence — поява

6. national monetary-credit and financial systems — нацiональна гро­шово-кредитна та фiнансова системи

7. rates of decrease of production are slown down — темпи зниження виробництва уповiльнюються

8. power carriers — енергоносiї

9. to carry out — проводити


1.    I. Find equivalents:

1. nation-wide referendum

2. industrial potential

3. united management

4. monetary-credit system

5. inherited dependence

6. machine-building

7. gross domestic product

8. closed productive cycle

9. traditional economic links

10. economic development

11. power carriers

12. way out of the crisis

13. programme of economic reforms

14. to restore stimuli

а. енергоносiї

б. економiчний розвиток

в. програма економічних реформ

г. внутрiшнiй валовий продукт

д. всенародний референдум

е. промисловий потенцiал

є. вихiд iз кризи

ж. успадкована залежнiсть

з. спiльне управлiння

и. замкнутий виробничий цикл

і. грошово-кредитна система

ї. традицiйнi економiчнi зв’язки

й. відновити стимули

к. машинобудування

II. Give the corresponding nouns to the following verbs:

to declare, to confirm, to populate, to develop, to produce, to cooperate, to stabilize, to reorganize, to realize, to depend, to inflate, to manage, to govern, to form, to apply, to restore.

III. Use the correct word in the sentences. Change the form

of the word if necessary:


1. The Declaration of Ukrainian _______ was proclaimed on August 24, 1991 by the Ukrainian Parliament. 2. A new _____ state appeared on the world political map.  3. His happiness _________ not on other people but on himself. 4. Financially he was completely _________ on his brother. 5. He wanted to go to work to be __________ of his parents. 6. What time will you arrive?  — I don’t know. It  ________ on the traffic.

- develop

1. Ukraine is one of the most _________ republics of the former Soviet Union. 2. Present-day independent Ukraine has a considerable potential to quickly ________ its economy. 3. Our country has very favourable conditions for the _________ of agricultural production.

IV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

1. As to its territory Ukraine is the second largest country ... Europe. 2. Ukraine is one ... the most developed republics ... the former Soviet Union ... highly developed industry and agriculture. 3. One ... the main reasons ... inflation are prices ... power carriers imported ... Russia. 4. The prices have increased ... hundreds times ... the last years.  5. The government ... Ukraine sees the way out ... the crisis ... realisation ... the programme ... economic reforms.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. When did the Verkhovna Rada declare the formation of the Independent Ukrainian State? 2. What can you say about Ukraine’s industrial potential? 3. What has predetermined the inherited dependence of Ukraine on economic ties with former republics of the Soviet Union?
4. What has brought the economy of the country to a crisis? 5. What is one of the main reason of inflation? 6. Does the government of Ukraine see the way out of the crisis?


Тема: National economy of the UK

Task 1.  Read and translate the text ( прочитайте та перекладіть текст  - УСНО!!)

Great Britain is a highly industrialized country: for every person working in agriculture, twelve are employed in industry. British economy is based on private enterprise. Manufacturing accounts for 21 per cent of the gross national product, while service industry output accounts for 65 per cent.

North-west of London there is a very important industrial region where a lot of machine tools are produced. The largest coal and iron fields in Britain are located in Midlands. Manchester is one of the main centres of electrical and heavy engineering. A wide range of gods such as computers, electronic equipment, chemicals and pharmaceuticals are produced here. Newcastle is famous for its shipbuilding yards and its export of coal. Due to rich deposits of oil and natural gas in the North Sea Great Britain has become self-sufficient in energy. Over half of domestic oil production is exported.

Although Great Britain is an industrial country, agriculture still remains one of its important industries. Dairying is most common in the west of England, sheep and cattle are reared in northern and south-western England.

Britain is one of the world’s leading financial centres. Financial services are a fast growing part of service sector which now provides over 65 per cent of output and two thirds of employment. The fastest growth sectors of service industry in recent years have been leisure, financial services and distribution.

International trade plays a vital role in British economy. Britain is the fifth largest trading nation in the world. Over 80 per cent of visible exports are manufactured goods. Major British manufacturing exports include electrical, electronic and instrument engineering products, chemicals, motor vehicles and aerospace products, Britain is among the largest exporters of tractors and products of agricultural research such as breeds. The export of services and other invisible items occupies an important place in the economy. Surplus from invisible exports is considered to be the second largest in the world. About half of Britain’s trade is with European Community partners.

Task 2.  Answer the following questions in written form.- дати відповіді на питання - ПИСЬМОВО! 

1. Which is more important to British economy: manufacturing, agriculture or services?

2. What share of output and employment does service sector account for?

3. Which is more important to British trade: visible exports or invisible exports. Substantiate your point. 

Task 3. Supply the synonyms from the text.

To explain, equipment, field, rest, assortment of goods, domestic, income, commerce.

Task 4.  Supply the opposites from the text.

Unemployment, public, input, exclude, unknown, minor, import, visible.


Тема: Services in British econom

Task 1. Write down the new vocabulary (запишіть нову лексику по темі)

1. to make up — складати

2. national income — нацiональний дохід

3. retail and wholesale trade — роздрiбна та оптова торгiвля

4. insurance — страхування

5. to be responsible for — вiдповiдати за, бути вiдповiдальним за

6. Commonwealth banks — банки Спiвдружностi

7. building societies — житлово-будiвельнi товариства

8. to accept deposites — приймати вклади

9. mortgage — застава

Task 2. Give the English equivalents for:

важлива роль; внутрiшнiй валовий продукт; охорона здоров’я; освiта; нацiональний дохід; роздрiбна та оптова торгiвля; послуги у сферi фiнансiв та бiзнесу; бути вiдповiдальним за щось; мiжнародний банкiвський кредит; страхування; ф’ючерсний ринок; банкiвська систе­ма; банки Спiвдружностi; Європейське Економiчне Співтовариство; мiжнародна торгiвля; комерцiйнi банки; експорт товарiв та послуг; житлово-будiвельнi товариства; машинне устаткування; приймати вкла­ди; текстильнi вироби; електронна апаратура.

Task 3. Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B: (зєднайте вирази)

Column A

Column B

1. service

a. The activity of selling goods and services in order      to make a profit.

2. national income

b. A financial institution that accepts demand deposits and makes commercial loans.

3. gross domestic product

c. An economy in which a significant  percentage of     its goods and services are traded internationally.

4. trade

d. The total annual money value of the goods and services produced by a country.

5. bank

e. A financial institution that accepts deposits and arrange mortgages for house purchase.

6. building society

f. The monetary value of all the goods and services produced by an economy over a specified period.

7. open economy

g. Intangible commodity.

8. exports

h. Goods and services sold to foreign countries.


Тема: Economy of Great Britain

Task 1. Write down the new vocabulary (запишіть нову лексику)

1. mixed private- and public-enterprise economy — змiшана економiка,

що ґрунтується на приватному та державному пiдприємництвi

2. GNP — ВНП (валовий нацiональний продукт)

3. workforce — робоча сила

4. industrial nation — промислова держава

5. due to — зумовленo

6. hand in hand — плiч-о-плiч

Task 2. Match words with their translation (Зєднайте слова з перекладом)



I. Find equivalents:

1. coal-mining                                     a. змiшана економiка

2. GNP                                                б. авiаракетна промисловiсть

3. hand in hand                                    в. приватне пiдприємство

4. industrial nation                               г. енергетична промисловiсть

5. private enterprise                             д. суднобудування

6. power industry                                 е. промислова держава

7. public transport                               є. плiч-о-плiч

8. workforce                                        ж.чорна металургія

9. shipbuilding                                     з. громадський транспорт

10. mixed economy                             и. ВНП (валовий нацiональний продукт)

11. cotton industry                               і. робоча сила

12. aeromissile industry                      ї. бавовництво

13. ferrous metallurgy                        й. вугледобувна промисловiсть

Task 3. Read and translate the text (УСНО!!)

 Great Britain is a highly-developed naval and industrial power. Its economy was primarily based on private enterprises. However, some industries were nationalized after World War II. Now it has a mixed private- and public-enterprise economy1. The government controls the coal-mining and electric power industries, ferrous metallurgy and shipbuilding. Part of public transport, civil aviation and national bank are also managed by the state.

The main sectors of British economy are manufacturing, services and agriculture. The share of industry in GNP2 is 11 times more than that of agriculture. Manufacturing plays a vital role in British economy. It accounts for 1/5 of the GNP and employs less than 1/3 of the workforce3. Small companies predominate, though companies with 500 or more employees employ a larger percentage of the workforce.

The rise of Great Britain as an industrial nation4 was partly due to5 the presence of considerable mineral resources, the most important of them being coal and iron. Next to coal and iron the chief minerals found on the British Isles are the building stone, marble, granite, slate, lead, tin, copper, zink, salt and china clay. But in the course of the last hundred years many of Britain’s most valuable and accessible deposits have been worked out.

Coal-mining, metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding are the older branches of industry. The new industries are the chemical, electrotechnical, automobile, aeromissile and electronics. The new industries have developed hand in hand6 with science and technology and are equipped to meet present technical demands.

Task 4. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:(заповніть пропуски відповідними прийменниками )

1. British economy was primarily based ... private enterprises.
2. Some ... industries were nationalized ... World War II. 3. Part ... public transport, power industry and most  ...  civil aviation are managed ... the state. 4. The rise ... Britain as an industrial nation was partly due ... the presence ... considerable mineral resources. 5. Manufacturing plays a vital role ... British economy. 6. The new industries have developed hand ... hand ... science and technology.


Types of money


1.     currency                                  валюта

2.     a coin                                      монета

3.     a banknote                              банкнота                         

4.     durability                                довговічність

5.     portability                               портативність

6.     a pound                                   фунт

7.     a credit card                            кредитна картка

8.     a check                                   чек

9.     fluctuation                              коливання

10.                        to hoard                                 запасати, накопичувати

11.                       uniformity                              однаковість, однорідність

12.                        medium of exchange             спосіб обміну

13.                        measure of value                   міра цінності

14.                        payment                                 платіж

15.                        to enable                                 давати право або можливість

16.                        barter economy                      бартерна економіка 

1. Give English equivalents of the following expressions

накопичення цінностей                   встановлювати ціну

високоякісний папір                        курс обміну валют

коливання валюти                           платити готівкою

доларова банкнота                           головна перевага грошей

засіб обміну                                     грошова економіка 

Make up sentences with each of these words.

   2. Read and make an acquaintance with the functions of money. Match    their names with their definitions.

1.     durability                                       a) One of the main advantages of money    

2.     portability                                          is its ability to be divided into parts.

                                                                 b) Money should be recognized for what

3.     stability                                              it is and hard to copy.

4.     uniformity                                      c) The value of money should be more or

5.     divisibility                                           less the same today as tomorrow.

6.     recognizability                               d) Money should be small enough and

                                                                light enough for people to carry.

                                                               e) Equal denomination of money should

                                                                     have the same value.

                                                                   f) A very high quality paper has to be

                                                                       used for money.

3.Read money collocations and choose the correct variant what they mean.

a) “to pay in advance”

·        to pay for smth after it is completed or delivered

·        to pay for smth before it is completed or delivered

·        to pay completely for the money owing

b) “to buy on impulse ”

·        to buy smth without considering the advantages or disadvantages of buying it

·        to buy smth by making regular payments over a certain period of time

·        to buy smth in an occasion when shops sell their goods at a lower price than usual

c) “to pay in arrears”

·  to pay for smth after it is completed or delivered

·        to pay for smth before it is completed or delivered

·        to buy smth by making regular payments over a certain period of time

d) “to buy on hire purchase”

·        to buy smth without considering the advantages or disadvantages of buying it

·        to buy smth in an occasion when shops sell their goods at a lower price than usual

·        to buy smth by making regular payments over a certain period of time

 e)   “to buy on auction”

·        to buy smth without considering the advantages or disadvantages of buying it

·       to buy smth in an event when the person who offers the most amount of money gets what is being sold

·       to buy smth in an occasion when shops sell their goods at a lower price than usual

f) “to pay in installments”

·        to pay for smth before it is completed or delivered

·        to buy smth by making regular payments over a certain period of time

·        to pay completely for the money owing

g)    “to buy in the sales”

·       to buy smth by making regular payments over a certain period of time

·                               to buy smth without considering the advantages or disadvantages of buying it

·                               to buy smth in an occasion when shops sell their goods at a lower price than usual

b)    “to pay in full”

·        to pay completely for the money owing

·        to pay for smth after it is completed or delivered

·        to buy smth by making regular payments over a certain period of time



Summing test 

Підсумкова робота 

І  Перекладіть на англійську мову наступні речення

1.   1.  Нестача ресурсів змушує людей обмежувати свої потреби та бажання.

2.    2. Виробництво товарів та послуг залежить від співпраці виробника та споживача.

3.     3.В командній економічній системі все залежить від уряду країни.

4.     4.Традиційна система економіки базується на звичаях, традиціях та релігії.

5.   5.  В ринковій економіці є багато різних ринків. 

ІІ  З’єднайте слова та їх значення

1. market

a. a situation in which there is not enough of something

2. scarcity

b. the act of buying and using products

3. goods

c. the process of making or growing things to be sold

4. consumption

d. the place where people buy and sell goods

5. production

e. things that are produced in order to be sold

ІІІ  Заповнити пропуски в тексті словами з таблички

Microeconomics, like macroeconomics, is a fundamental method for 1)….the economy as a system. It treats households and firms interacting through individual markets as irreducible elements of the economy, given scarcity and government regulation. A 2)…. might be for a product, say fresh corn, or the services of a factor of production, say bricklaying. The 3)…. considers aggregates of quantity demanded 4)….buyers and quantity supplied by sellers at each possible price per unit. It 5)…. these together to describe how the market may reach equilibrium as to price and quantity or respond to market changes over time.

   combines , market, analyzing, by,theory


Тема: Economic systems. Економічні системи.

Task 1. Write down the new vocabulary (запишіть нову лексику)

  1. to determine                             визначати

  2. to encourage                            заохочувати

  3. to evaluate                               оцінювати

  4. to rely on                                 покладатися на

  5. to obey                                     підкорюватися

  6.  amount                                    кількість                      

  7. habit                                         звичка

  8. custom                                     звичай

  9. authority                                  влада

  10. profit                                      прибуток

  11. measure                                  міра

  12. income                                   дохід

  13. to force smb to do smth         змушувати когось робити щось

  14. to concern with                      цікавитися чимось

  15. to base on                               базуватися на

  16. to influence                            впливати

  17. religious belief                       релігійні переконання 

Task 2. Match to make up meaningful phrases. (З`єднайте вирази)- ПИСЬМОВО!!

1.     to provide                                               a) the type of economic system

2.     to determine                                           b) the central authority

3.     to satisfy                                                 c) goods and services

4.     to rely                                                    d) the income

5.     to obey                                                  e) people’s wants

6.     to evaluate                                             f) to work hard

7.     to encourage                                         g) on the same tools and methods

Task 3. Read and translate the text (УСНО!!!)

The basic kinds of economic systems

The wants people have are almost unlimited. However, each society has a limited amount of resources from which to provide the goods and services to satisfy these wants. This scarcity of resources forces every society to make decisions about the following questions:

– Which goods and services will be produced?

– How will these goods and services be produced?

– How will the goods and services be distributed?

The answers for every particular country will depend on its priorities. The decision that a country make will determine the type of economic system it has. The basic types of economic systems are traditional, command and market.

Traditional system is the system in which people do things the way they have always done them. They rely on the same tools and methods used by their parents. There is little or no change in such systems because most people methods are based on habit, custom and religious belief. Individuals are not free to make decisions according to what they want to have. Traditional system is not as widely spread as it was before. Though it is still a major force in some areas on the west coast of Canada, in Latin America, Africa and Middle East.

In a command system, the basic economic decision of what and how to produce and distribute is made by a central authority. The members of the society in the system obey. The central authority consists of one person or a small group who control factories, equipment and land. This system is still powerful in China and Cuba and recently our country and the countries of Eastern Europe operated under strong command system.

In a market system, the basic economic decision is based on the actions of people and business firms participating in many different markets. A market system produce goods and services that people are willing to buy and that can bring a profit to the sellers. The interaction of consumers and producers makes the system work. US, Canada and Japan are the best examples of this type of economic system.

   Task 4 . Answer some more questions about economic systems. (дати відповіді на питання відповідно до тексту)- ПИСЬМОВО.

1. Why is there no change in traditional system?

2. Who makes the basic decision in command system?

3. How do you understand that interaction of consumers and producers makes market system work?

4. How do economists evaluate people’s standard of living?


Тема: Micro- and macroeconomics.

Task 1. Write down the new vocabulary (запишіть нову лексику)

 1.    aggregate                                  загальний

2.     solid                                         міцний, твердий

3.    to apply                                    застосовувати

4.    employment                             робота, зайнятість

5.    unemployment                         безробіття

6.    to accept                                   приймати

7.    to guarantee                             гарантувати

8.    framework                               структура

9.    to occupy                                 займати

10.to overcome                             долати

11.recession                                  спад, скорочення

12.poverty                                     бідність

13. equipped                                 оснащений 

Task 2. Read and translate the text - УСНО!!!

Division of economics

The field of economics may be divided in several different ways, most popularly microeconomics (at the level of individual choices) versus macroeconomics (aggregate results). Today there is a view that good macroeconomics has solid microeconomic foundations. In other words, its theories should have evidential support in microeconomics. A few authors (for example, Kurt Dopfer and Stuart Holland) also argue that 'mesoeconomics', which considers the intermediate level of economic organization such as markets and other institutional arrangements, should be considered a third branch of economic study.

Theories developed as a part of economic theory have also been applied in other fields such as criminal behavior, scientific research, death, politics, health, education, family, dating, etc. This is allowed because economics is fundamentally about human decision-making. One of the main purposes is to understand how economies work, and what are the relations between the main economic players and institutions.

Economics can also be divided into numerous sub disciplines that do not always fit neatly into the macro-micro categorization. These sub disciplines include: international economics, development economics, industrial organization, public finance, economic psychology, economic sociology, institutional economics and economic geography.

Another division of the subject distinguishes positive (descriptive) economics, which seeks to predict and explain economic phenomena, from normative economics, which orders choices and actions by some criterion.

Task 3. Fill in the chart according to the text (заповніть схему відповідно до тексту)




Read the following text: Economics relates to every aspect of our lives, from the decisions we make as individuals or families to the structures created by governments and firms. But what is economics really like? People have a wide range of wants and they are constantly growing. Economics is the science that studies how to satisfy all human needs and wants and advise people and societies what decisions to make in order to get the most out of their limited resources. People work to earn their living and take part in economic activities to provide their families with everything they need: essential and nonessential commodities. Essential commodities are such vitally important goods as food, clothes and shelter while non-essentials are of secondary importance (e.g. books, theater, travelling and other luxuries). The work that people do is their economic activity which makes up the economic system of a town, a city, a country or the world. Such an economic system is the sum-total of what people do and what they want. Economists study the general life of the community in order to understand how it all works. Using objective and scientific methods they describe the facts of the economy in which we live and try to solve the basic problem of economics: how to convert humanity’s limited resources into the goods and services that best satisfy their needs. They also explain how to maximize productivity, create wealth and maintain financial stability. There are two main branches of economics: macroeconomics and microeconomics. Microeconomics focuses on individual people and individual businesses to explain how individuals make decisions about where to spend their money or how to invest their savings. It looks at firms’ individual behaviour in the market and when they’re competing against each other. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, takes a much broader view by analyzing the economic activity of an entire country or the international marketplace and concentrating on economy-wide factors such as interest rates, inflation and unemployment. To sum up, economics is all about scarcity and choice. There is too little time and resources to satisfy all our desires, so people have to make hard choices about what to produce and consume. Economists analyse the decisions that people make about how to best maximise human happiness in a world of scarcity. 


Ex. 1. Find the words or word combinations in the text to substitute the following:

 1. any particular branch 

2. to keep in proper or good of knowledge condition 

3. to get money by working 

4. turn into 

5. whole 

6. absolutely necessary 

7. a thing sold 

8. in terms of the country 

9. housing 

10. shortage 

11. use (v.) 

12. so 

7. variety 

14. total of numbers added together

Ex. 2 Look through the text again and give English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations:

1. наука економіка 

2. економічна діяльність 

3. продуктивність 

4. відсоткова ставка

 5. суспільство (2 вар) 

6. наукові методи

 7. створювати матеріальні цінності 

8. нестача ч-н 

9. товари першої необхідності 

10. приймати рішення 

11. вкладати заощадження 

12. споживати 

13. повсякденне життя 

14. рівень життя

 15. конкурувати з к-н 

16. разом, у сукупності

Ex.3. Complete the following sentences with the words/word combinations from the text: 

1. Schools, hospitals and banks provide people with important _________. 

2. The money he earns is enough only for _________ _________. 

3. Such goods like newspapers, toys for children are _________ _________. 

4. Economic _________ is the work that people do.

 5. Economists’ methods should be _________ and _________. 

6. The science of _________ is concerned with _________ and choice. 

7. Microeconomics studies _________ behaviour of a person or a company in the markets. 

8. Macroeconomics deals with the economic activity of an _________ country


Тема: Summing up 

Task 1.Fill in the prepositions.

1. I’m worried … the last part of the presentation.

2. I enjoy coming … Britain. And I’m looking forward … my visit … Bibury Systems.

3. Shall we have a look ….?

4. Hello, Mr. Sakai. We have spoken … the telephone.

5. After lunch some of my senior managers will make a presentation … you.

6. Sorry, I was delayed. Shall we get straight down … business.

7. How are you fixed … lunch?

Task 2. Match the synonyms

A: scarce, various, income, heading, want, provide, broad, deal with, consume;

+B: supply, concern, wide, different, limited, title, use, earnings, desire.

Task 3.Match  the opposites.

A: scarce, broad, employment, input, income, ability;

+B: spending, narrow, plentiful, disability, output, unemployment

Task 4. Use the proper form of a pronoun in brackets.

1. (He/him) is our manager. 2. (We/us) always ask (he/him) questions and (he/him) tries to answer (they/them). 3. (I/me) don’t remember (she/her). 4. Where is (your/yours) notebook? 5. Make (your / yours) choice and then I’ll make (my/mine). 6. (This/these) book is more interesting than (that/those) one. 7. All students are here. (You/your) can see (they/them) in the hall. 8. (This/these) are (our/ours) suppliers. 9. (They/them) provide good services to satisfy (their/theirs) customers. 10. There is a great demand for (our/ours) goods in (this/these) regions. 11. Please, show (we/us) the way to the nearest supermarket.


Тема: Prepositions of time and place

Task 1. New vocabulary (Введення нової лексики)- записати лексику з перекладом 

Прийменники місця

Прийменники місця (prepositions of place) вживаються для позначення місця, де знаходиться предмет, особа, або виконується певна дія.

  • above – над, вище
  • across from – навпроти, через дорогу від
  • around – навколо, навкруги
  • at – у, в, на, при
  • behind – позаду, за
  • below – під, нижче
  • between – між
  • by, beside, near – при, поряд, поруч
  • under – під
  • close to – близько до, поруч з
  • in – в, всередині
  • in front of– спереду, поперед, проти
  • next to – поруч, наступний після 
  • on – на
  • opposite – навпроти, проти
  • over – над
  • past – за, повз, мим

Прийменники часу

Прийменники часу (prepositions of time) вказують на час дії, її початок, кінець і тривалість або на певний проміжок часу.

  • after – після, за
  • at – в, о, протягом
  • before – до, перед
  • by – до, не пізніше ніж
  • during – протягом, під час
  • for – протягом, за
  • from – з, від 
  • in – у, в, на, протягом, через, за
  • on – в, у
  • past – після, опісля, за
  • since – з, після, з того часу як, відколи
  • through – протягом
  • till, until – до, не раніш, до того часу як
  • within – протягом, в межах, не пізніше, ніж

Task 2. Інтерактивні вправи для закріплення лексики по темі. Перейдіть за посиланнями: 



16. 10. 2020

Тема: Staying at the hotel. 

Task 1. New vocabulary (Введення нової лексики)- записати лексику з перекладом відповідно до знаків в готелі

Task 2. Інтерактивні вправи для закріплення лексики по темі. Перейдіть за посиланням: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/vocabulary/beginner-vocabulary/hotels

Task 3. Watch the video and learn new words and expressions.

At the hotel

Task 4. Fill the gaps with the appropriate expressions : (Письмово)!!!
2 rooms, 185426, 5 single rooms, hotel "Plaza",  3 nights, I, any other hotels, 15 to 18, Avenue 21, Monday, 7556329.  

Receptionist: Richio Hotel, bonjour.

Secretary: This is Crops-pops, London. I would like to book …… for ….., from next….. . That is ……  .

Receptionist: I think we are quite busy next week. Just let me check. I am afraid …..only got ….. that night.

Secretary: oh, that is a pity. I `ve left it a bit late, haven`t I? You wouldn`t know of ….. that might be able to help me out, would you?

Receptionist: Well, you could try the ….. They are very near us, and they`re in the same chain so you would still get your special rates. Their number is….. and their fax number is ….. .

Secretary: Right,  I think I will give them a try. Thanks for your help. Oh, you haven`t got their address, have you?

Receptionist: Yes, it is …….

Secretary: Thank you very much. Goodbye. 

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