Refresh your knowledge with the help of books!
Examples of writing
20 October 2020
Інтернет вам на допомогу!!)))
1. Електронний словник "Lingvo online"
2. Електронний словник "Multitran"
3. Кембріджський словник онлайн
4. Оксфордський словник он-лайн
5. Візуальний словник
A little bit of grammar Tenses
Трішечки граматичних часів
19. 10. 2020
Read the text
2________The first documented mention of a ham burg steak in the United States was in the 1830s. In 1896, a hamburger was included in the famous cookbook of Boston chef Fannie Farmer for the first time.
3________More than one person has claimed to be the creator of the modern hamburger sandwich. At various times in the late 1800s and early 1900s, cooks from Wisconsin, Connecticut Ohio, and Texas boasted of inventing the hamburger.
4_________The most widely reported story about the origin of the hamburger comes from the 1904 World's Fair. Fletcher Davis and his wife from Athens set up a food counter and sold ham burgers with hot mustard and a slice of onion. An article about the fair in St Louis was published in a New York newspaper, and it mentioned the sale of hamburgers but failed to include the name of the cook. Since then, the whole world has come to know the ham burger, but no one will ever know with absolute certainty, who really created it!
Choose the best heading from the list for each part of the text. There are two extra heading which you don’t need to use.
A Some sausages from Hamburg
B The first mention on the paper
C Who is a real creator?
D Some historical facts
E Boasting of invention
F All ingredients
For questions (6-10), choose the answer (A, B, or C)
1. How did the dish, now called Steak Tartar, come to Germany?
A It was brought by the Russian sailors.
B It was brought by the Native Americans.
C It was brought by the Tartars.
2. Where was a hamburg steak recipe written down first?
A In a menu
B In a cookbook
C In an encyclopedia
3. Who has claimed to be the creator of the modern hamburger sandwich?
A Immigrants
B Cooks
C Sailors
4. Where were hamburgers sold in 1904?
A At the World's Fair
B At a rodeo
C At the Big Sky Games
5. What did a New York newspaper fail to mention about the fair in St Louis?
A The World Fair
B Hamburgers
C The name of the cook
Match the two halves of the sentences
1. Some immigrants from a) but no one will ever know,
Germany brought the recipe for a dish who really created it!
2. The first documented mention of a b) of row beef mixed with egg
steak in the USA
3. A hamburger was included in the c) was in the 1830s
famous cookbook
4. The most famous story about the d) comes from the 1904
origin of the hamburger
5. The whole world has come to know e) in 1896
the ham burger
За характером запитання і потрібної відповіді на нього в англійській
мові розрізняють чотири типи питальних речень: загальні запитання
(general questions), спеціальні запитання (special questions), альтернативні
запитання (alternative questions) і розділові запитання (disjunctive questions).
Загальними називаються запитання, на які можна відповісти
словами yes або nо:
Dо you like this part of the country? Вам подобається цей куточок країни?
Загальні запитання починаються з допоміжного або модального
дієслова, після якого стоїть підмет, а потім основне дієслово:
Are you coming tonight? Ти прийдеш сьогодні увечеpi?
Have you helped your mother
through all these years?
Ти допомагав матері всі ці роки?
Shall I tell it to you? Сказати це вам?
Can I help you? Дозвольте допомогти вам.
Does she sing at all? Вона співає взагалі?
1. Якщо присудком є дієслово to be (а в багатьох випадках і to have)
у Present і Past Indefinite, у загальних запитаннях він ставиться на початку
Іs he here? Він тут?
Have you any relations? У вас є родичі?
2. Між підметом і дієсловом у загальних запитаннях можуть стояти
прислівники неозначеного часу:
Did you ever see a cow like that? Ви коли-небудь бачили таку корову?
Запитання до окремих членів речення називаються спеціальними.
Вони починаються питальними словами who хто; what що, який, where
де, куди; how many скільки та ін.
Серед спеціальних запитань розрізняють:
а) запитання до різних членів речення, крім підмета і його
б) запитання до підмета і його означення.
У запитаннях до різних членів речення після питального слова
порядок слів такий самий, як у загальних запитаннях: допоміжне або
модальне дієслово, підмет, основне дієслово, потім усі інші члени речення:
Граматика:Типи питальних речень.
Tapes of Questions.
Where do you live? Де ви живете?
How did you meet her? Як ви зустріли її?
What did you do this afternoon? Що ви робили сьогодні після
How long have you known him? Як довго ви знаєте його?
У спеціальних запитаннях, що відносяться до підмета або його
означення, порядок слів, як у розповідному реченні — інверсії нема,
допоміжне дієслово to do в Present Indefinite і в Past Indefinite не
вживається. Якщо питальне слово є підметом, то після нього, як і в
розповідному реченні, стоїть присудок, який вживається у третій особі
Who goes to the cinema? Хто йде у кіно?
Якщо питальне слово — означення до підмета, після нього
безпосередньо ставиться підмет, а потім присудок:
Whose children are playing in the
Чиї діти граються у дворі?
Альтернативні запитання — це запитання вибору. Вони
складаються з двох частин, з'єднаних сполучником оr. Альтернативні
запитання можуть мати структури як загальних, так і спеціальних
запитань. Якщо альтернативне запитання не відноситься до підмета, воно
вимагає повної відповіді:
Where does he live: in Kyiv or in
Де він живе: в Києві чи в Полтаві?
Is he a doctor or an enginееr? Він лікар чи інженер?
Якщо альтернативне запитання відноситься до підмета, то
допоміжне або модальне дієслово вживається також і перед другим
підметом. Таке запитання вимагає короткої відповіді:
Do you work there or does your
brother? My brother does.
Ви там працюєте чи ваш брат?
- Мій брат
Розділове запитання складається з двох частин. Перша частина ––
розповідне речення в стверджувальній або заперечній формі, друга ––
коротке загальне запитання, що складається з підмета, вираженого
особовим займенником, який відповідає підмету першої частини, та
допоміжного або модального дієслова. Якщо присудком першої частини є
дієслово в Present Indefinite або в Past Indefinite (крім дієслів to be і to
have), в другій частині вживаються відповідні форми допоміжного
дієслова to do.
Якщо перша частина розділового запитання має стверджувальну
форму, то в другій частині вживається заперечна форма, а після заперечної
першої частини друга частина має стверджувальну форму. Перша частина
розділового запитання має стверджувальну форму, якщо той, хто запитує,
сподівається на стверджувальну відповідь, і заперечну, якщо
передбачається заперечна відповідь:
You have brought your luggage with
you, haven’t you?
Ви привезли з собою свій багаж,
чи не так?
You haven't seen him yet, have you? Ви ще не бачили його, чи не так?
But she loves you, doesn't she? Але вона любить вас, правда?
І didn't say that, did I? Я не казав цього, чи не так?
You want some money, don't you? Вам потрібні гроші, правда?
13.1 Практичні завдання
Вправа 1. Утворіть від наведених нижче речень питальну форму.
1. You live in a big house. 2. He reads much. 3. He worked much
yesterday. 4. She will take this book from the library tomorrow. 5. My brother
studied English last year. 6. My friends will go to the canteen in 2 hours. 7. Ann
and Nick came to Moscow last year.
Вправа 2. Запишіть замість крапок необхідні питальні слова who
або what.
1. … says that? 2. … do you say? 3. … do you study? 4. … studies well?
5. …do you like? 6. … wants to take this pen? 7. … opens the window?
Вправа 3. Доберіть питання, до яких наведені нижче речення є
1. No, there were no mistakes in his dictation. 2. Yes, the Volga is a wide
river. 3. No, the museum is not on this side of the street. 4. No, he doesn’t
remember the meaning of that word. 5. He lives here. 6. No, the answer was
Вправа 4. Поставте питання до всіх членів речення.
1. The boy studies well. 2. My brother traveled by bus last summer. 3. We
like our dinner. 4. I shall listen to the radio. 5. Ann reads a book in the library.
6. We go to the Institute every day. 7. They will see this film next week.
Вправа 5. Доповніть наведені нижче речення, утворюючи
розділові питання.
1. You will travel by train, …? 2. They are not in town, …? 3. We shall
see you tomorrow, … ? 4. You don’t know her, … ?
Вправа 6. Утворіть із загальних питань альтернативні.
1. Did you get up at 7 o'clock yesterday?(8) 2. Is the door red? (green)
3. Do you watch TV every day? (go to the library) 4. Do you like folk music?
(rock) 5. Will you go to the south? (your friend) 6. Is it 1000 miles fro
Remember!!! Сталі вирази з прийменниками!!!
1. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.
1. I ….. tell stories, never could.
a) can; b) can’t; c) may; d) have to.
2. He ….. swim since childhood.
a) can; b) could; c) should; d) has been able to.
3. ….. I take Pete` s bag ?
a) can; b) shall; c) may; d) must.
4. I ….. do a lot of work yesterday.
a) had to; b) have to; c) must; d) was able to.
5. You ….. make notes in the books.
a) don’t have to; b) aren’t to; c) mustn’t ; d) needn’t.
6. His sister ….. cook very well.
a) is able to; b) may; c) has to; d) can.
7. ….. it be done before tomorrow ?
a) can; b) may; c) must; d) should.
8. Nobody ….. do it without your help.
a) couldn’t; b) can; c) should; d) can’t.
9. My mother was unwell, and I ….. go to the chemist` s.
a) must; b) have to; c) could; d) had to.
10. He ….. neither move nor speak.
a) couldn’t; b) could; c) might; d) had to.
11. If you have done your homework, you ….. go for a walk.
a) may; b) can; c) must; d) have to.
12. I ….. give you my book for a couple of days after I have read it.
a) can; b) may; c) shall be able to; d) have to.
13. We ….. discuss the matter not later than tomorrow.
a) had to; b) must; c) can; d) are able to.
14. He ….. wait at the station till it stopped raining.
a) will have to; b) wasn’t able to; c) had to; d) might.
2. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.
1. She ….. clean the house herself.
a) is to; b) can; c) has to; d) should.
2. We ….. look into the matter.
a) must; b) can; c) may; d) don’ t have to.
3. I ….. exactly express my meaning.
a) shan’t; b) mustn’t; c) can `t; d) needn’t.
4. ….. I bring my sister to the party ?
a) shall; b) can; c) must; d) may.
5. ….. you see anything in this inky darkness ?
a) can; b) may; c) must; d) need.
6.She asked me if she ….. use my telephone.
a) can; b) could; c) might; d) may.
7. I ….. go to hospital to visit my aunt.
a) could; b) had to; c) was able to; d) must.
8. She ….. stay at home because she didn’t feel well.
a) could; b) was to; c) had to; d) must.
9. What is done ….. be undone.
a) can; b) cannot; c) may not; d) must.
10. ….. we learn the poem today ?
a) shall; b) should; c) could; d) must.
11. She ….. graduate that year.
a) had to; b) must; c) could; d) was to.
12. She ….. get to the airport in time, there isn’t much time left.
a) can; b) won `t be able; c) wouldn’t; d) won’t have to.
13. Students ….. do homework in time.
a) must; b) are to; c) have to; d) can.
14. ….. I shut the door ?
a) must; b) can; c) may; d) need
3. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.
1. They ….. start on Monday.
a) has to; b) must; c) were to; d) could.
2. Only a person who knows the language very well ….. answer such a
a) can; b) may; c) has to; d) is to.
3. Mike ….. write this exercise at school because he hadn’t done it at
a) must; b) had to; c) was able to; d) was to.
4. You ….. know how to raise your children not to be losers.
a) may; b) are to; c) have to; d) should.
5. ….. you ….. do the work tomorrow ?
a) will *** have to; b) will *** be able to; c) can;
d) will *** be allowed to
6. ….. I go to the post office with Mike ?
a) may; b) can; c) must; d) shall.
7. After they had finished their homework, the children (дозволили) …..
watch TV.
a) were able to; b) had to; c) were to; d) were allowed to.
8. We ….. speak at the lessons.(не дозволяють)
a) can’ t; b) mustn’t; c) aren’t allowed to; d) aren’t able to.
9. Nothing ….. be done, it’s too late.
a) can’t; b) can; c) may; d) must.
10. I ….. wear glasses as my eyesight is very weak.
a) am to; b) must; c) can; d) have to.
11. They decided that she ….. send them a telegram every tenth day.
a) was to; b) had to; c) must; d) was able to.
12. You ….. take any more pills after next Monday (не потрібно).
a) can’t; b) mustn’t; c) needn’t; d) shouldn’t.
13. They ….. be taught a lesson (потрібно).
a) could; b) should; c) must; d) may.
14. The school was silent : nothing ….. be heard in the long dark
a) can; b) couldn’t; c) could; d) wasn’t able to.
HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY: 50 Simple Tips for Speaking English Fluently and Confidently
Gender of Nouns in English Grammar | Useful Masculine and Feminine List
Groups of People: 50+ Collective Nouns for PEOPLE to Bolster Your VOCABULARY (You Might Not Know)
Telephone Phrasal Verbs: Useful Phrasal Verbs for Telephone Conversation with Examples
Useful Phrasal Verbs for TRAVEL in English | Travel Vocabulary and Phrases
Master IN, ON, AT in 30 Minutes: Simple Method to Use Prepositions of TIME & PLACE Correctly
Prepositions of Place and Movement in English | Prepositions with Pictures
The 50 Most Common Irregular Verbs in English | Grammar & Pronunciation Lesson
Useful expressions in English part 4 - Learn new words
Useful English expressions Part 3 - Learn vocabulary
Useful English expressions part 2 - Vocabulary lesson
Useful English expressions part 1 - Vocabulary
Transition Words in English | Linking Words and Phrases | English Writing
FORMAL and INFORMAL Words in English: 400+ English Words to Expand Your Vocabulary
Passive Voice in English: Active and Passive Voice Rules and Useful Examples
Active and Passive Voice: Using PASSIVE VOICE with Different TENSES in English
- Put your shoes - it's too cold to walk around barefoot.
- You must get now or you will be late for school.
- Sit , please. I'll be with you in a minute.
- Could you write this word for me, please?
- Don't give singing. You are very talented.
- Where is the fitting room? I'd like to try these trousers.
- Have you tidied the kitchen, yet?
- My little sister woke me in the middle of the night.
- Don't put the vase there, it will fall .
- Adam switched his torch, so we could find our way home in the dark.
Adverbs: What Is An Adverb? Useful Grammar Rules, List & Examples
ENGLISH PRONOUNS: Types of Pronouns | List of Pronouns with Examples
Countable and Uncountable Nouns in English
Countable and uncountable nouns - English Language
Countable & Uncountable FOOD in English | Food and Drinks Vocabulary
Master ALL TENSES in 30 Minutes: Verb Tenses Chart with Useful Rules & Examples
Read the text
History of the Hamburger
1_______The roots of a modern hamburger go back to the German city of Hamburg. According to historians, German immigrants to the United States brought the recipe for a dish of raw chopped beef mixed with egg. The Germans learned about the dish, now called Steak Tartar from the Russian sailors who visited Hamburg and brought along an appetite for food from their homeland. The Russians apparently learned about the dish from the Tartars.2________The first documented mention of a ham burg steak in the United States was in the 1830s. In 1896, a hamburger was included in the famous cookbook of Boston chef Fannie Farmer for the first time.
3________More than one person has claimed to be the creator of the modern hamburger sandwich. At various times in the late 1800s and early 1900s, cooks from Wisconsin, Connecticut Ohio, and Texas boasted of inventing the hamburger.
4_________The most widely reported story about the origin of the hamburger comes from the 1904 World's Fair. Fletcher Davis and his wife from Athens set up a food counter and sold ham burgers with hot mustard and a slice of onion. An article about the fair in St Louis was published in a New York newspaper, and it mentioned the sale of hamburgers but failed to include the name of the cook. Since then, the whole world has come to know the ham burger, but no one will ever know with absolute certainty, who really created it!
Choose the best heading from the list for each part of the text. There are two extra heading which you don’t need to use.
A Some sausages from Hamburg
B The first mention on the paper
C Who is a real creator?
D Some historical facts
E Boasting of invention
F All ingredients
For questions (6-10), choose the answer (A, B, or C)
1. How did the dish, now called Steak Tartar, come to Germany?
A It was brought by the Russian sailors.
B It was brought by the Native Americans.
C It was brought by the Tartars.
2. Where was a hamburg steak recipe written down first?
A In a menu
B In a cookbook
C In an encyclopedia
3. Who has claimed to be the creator of the modern hamburger sandwich?
A Immigrants
B Cooks
C Sailors
4. Where were hamburgers sold in 1904?
A At the World's Fair
B At a rodeo
C At the Big Sky Games
5. What did a New York newspaper fail to mention about the fair in St Louis?
A The World Fair
B Hamburgers
C The name of the cook
Match the two halves of the sentences
1. Some immigrants from a) but no one will ever know,
Germany brought the recipe for a dish who really created it!
2. The first documented mention of a b) of row beef mixed with egg
steak in the USA
3. A hamburger was included in the c) was in the 1830s
famous cookbook
4. The most famous story about the d) comes from the 1904
origin of the hamburger
5. The whole world has come to know e) in 1896
the ham burger
мові розрізняють чотири типи питальних речень: загальні запитання
(general questions), спеціальні запитання (special questions), альтернативні
запитання (alternative questions) і розділові запитання (disjunctive questions).
Загальними називаються запитання, на які можна відповісти
словами yes або nо:
Dо you like this part of the country? Вам подобається цей куточок країни?
Загальні запитання починаються з допоміжного або модального
дієслова, після якого стоїть підмет, а потім основне дієслово:
Are you coming tonight? Ти прийдеш сьогодні увечеpi?
Have you helped your mother
through all these years?
Ти допомагав матері всі ці роки?
Shall I tell it to you? Сказати це вам?
Can I help you? Дозвольте допомогти вам.
Does she sing at all? Вона співає взагалі?
1. Якщо присудком є дієслово to be (а в багатьох випадках і to have)
у Present і Past Indefinite, у загальних запитаннях він ставиться на початку
Іs he here? Він тут?
Have you any relations? У вас є родичі?
2. Між підметом і дієсловом у загальних запитаннях можуть стояти
прислівники неозначеного часу:
Did you ever see a cow like that? Ви коли-небудь бачили таку корову?
Запитання до окремих членів речення називаються спеціальними.
Вони починаються питальними словами who хто; what що, який, where
де, куди; how many скільки та ін.
Серед спеціальних запитань розрізняють:
а) запитання до різних членів речення, крім підмета і його
б) запитання до підмета і його означення.
У запитаннях до різних членів речення після питального слова
порядок слів такий самий, як у загальних запитаннях: допоміжне або
модальне дієслово, підмет, основне дієслово, потім усі інші члени речення:
Граматика:Типи питальних речень.
Tapes of Questions.
Where do you live? Де ви живете?
How did you meet her? Як ви зустріли її?
What did you do this afternoon? Що ви робили сьогодні після
How long have you known him? Як довго ви знаєте його?
У спеціальних запитаннях, що відносяться до підмета або його
означення, порядок слів, як у розповідному реченні — інверсії нема,
допоміжне дієслово to do в Present Indefinite і в Past Indefinite не
вживається. Якщо питальне слово є підметом, то після нього, як і в
розповідному реченні, стоїть присудок, який вживається у третій особі
Who goes to the cinema? Хто йде у кіно?
Якщо питальне слово — означення до підмета, після нього
безпосередньо ставиться підмет, а потім присудок:
Whose children are playing in the
Чиї діти граються у дворі?
Альтернативні запитання — це запитання вибору. Вони
складаються з двох частин, з'єднаних сполучником оr. Альтернативні
запитання можуть мати структури як загальних, так і спеціальних
запитань. Якщо альтернативне запитання не відноситься до підмета, воно
вимагає повної відповіді:
Where does he live: in Kyiv or in
Де він живе: в Києві чи в Полтаві?
Is he a doctor or an enginееr? Він лікар чи інженер?
Якщо альтернативне запитання відноситься до підмета, то
допоміжне або модальне дієслово вживається також і перед другим
підметом. Таке запитання вимагає короткої відповіді:
Do you work there or does your
brother? My brother does.
Ви там працюєте чи ваш брат?
- Мій брат
Розділове запитання складається з двох частин. Перша частина ––
розповідне речення в стверджувальній або заперечній формі, друга ––
коротке загальне запитання, що складається з підмета, вираженого
особовим займенником, який відповідає підмету першої частини, та
допоміжного або модального дієслова. Якщо присудком першої частини є
дієслово в Present Indefinite або в Past Indefinite (крім дієслів to be і to
have), в другій частині вживаються відповідні форми допоміжного
дієслова to do.
Якщо перша частина розділового запитання має стверджувальну
форму, то в другій частині вживається заперечна форма, а після заперечної
першої частини друга частина має стверджувальну форму. Перша частина
розділового запитання має стверджувальну форму, якщо той, хто запитує,
сподівається на стверджувальну відповідь, і заперечну, якщо
передбачається заперечна відповідь:
You have brought your luggage with
you, haven’t you?
Ви привезли з собою свій багаж,
чи не так?
You haven't seen him yet, have you? Ви ще не бачили його, чи не так?
But she loves you, doesn't she? Але вона любить вас, правда?
І didn't say that, did I? Я не казав цього, чи не так?
You want some money, don't you? Вам потрібні гроші, правда?
13.1 Практичні завдання
Вправа 1. Утворіть від наведених нижче речень питальну форму.
1. You live in a big house. 2. He reads much. 3. He worked much
yesterday. 4. She will take this book from the library tomorrow. 5. My brother
studied English last year. 6. My friends will go to the canteen in 2 hours. 7. Ann
and Nick came to Moscow last year.
Вправа 2. Запишіть замість крапок необхідні питальні слова who
або what.
1. … says that? 2. … do you say? 3. … do you study? 4. … studies well?
5. …do you like? 6. … wants to take this pen? 7. … opens the window?
Вправа 3. Доберіть питання, до яких наведені нижче речення є
1. No, there were no mistakes in his dictation. 2. Yes, the Volga is a wide
river. 3. No, the museum is not on this side of the street. 4. No, he doesn’t
remember the meaning of that word. 5. He lives here. 6. No, the answer was
Вправа 4. Поставте питання до всіх членів речення.
1. The boy studies well. 2. My brother traveled by bus last summer. 3. We
like our dinner. 4. I shall listen to the radio. 5. Ann reads a book in the library.
6. We go to the Institute every day. 7. They will see this film next week.
Вправа 5. Доповніть наведені нижче речення, утворюючи
розділові питання.
1. You will travel by train, …? 2. They are not in town, …? 3. We shall
see you tomorrow, … ? 4. You don’t know her, … ?
Вправа 6. Утворіть із загальних питань альтернативні.
1. Did you get up at 7 o'clock yesterday?(8) 2. Is the door red? (green)
3. Do you watch TV every day? (go to the library) 4. Do you like folk music?
(rock) 5. Will you go to the south? (your friend) 6. Is it 1000 miles fro
Remember!!! Сталі вирази з прийменниками!!!
Modals, Modal Verbs, Types of Modal Verbs:
Useful List & Examples
Підсумкові тести з граматики
Модальні дієслова
Modal verbs
1. I ….. tell stories, never could.
a) can; b) can’t; c) may; d) have to.
2. He ….. swim since childhood.
a) can; b) could; c) should; d) has been able to.
3. ….. I take Pete` s bag ?
a) can; b) shall; c) may; d) must.
4. I ….. do a lot of work yesterday.
a) had to; b) have to; c) must; d) was able to.
5. You ….. make notes in the books.
a) don’t have to; b) aren’t to; c) mustn’t ; d) needn’t.
6. His sister ….. cook very well.
a) is able to; b) may; c) has to; d) can.
7. ….. it be done before tomorrow ?
a) can; b) may; c) must; d) should.
8. Nobody ….. do it without your help.
a) couldn’t; b) can; c) should; d) can’t.
9. My mother was unwell, and I ….. go to the chemist` s.
a) must; b) have to; c) could; d) had to.
10. He ….. neither move nor speak.
a) couldn’t; b) could; c) might; d) had to.
11. If you have done your homework, you ….. go for a walk.
a) may; b) can; c) must; d) have to.
12. I ….. give you my book for a couple of days after I have read it.
a) can; b) may; c) shall be able to; d) have to.
13. We ….. discuss the matter not later than tomorrow.
a) had to; b) must; c) can; d) are able to.
14. He ….. wait at the station till it stopped raining.
a) will have to; b) wasn’t able to; c) had to; d) might.
2. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.
1. She ….. clean the house herself.
a) is to; b) can; c) has to; d) should.
2. We ….. look into the matter.
a) must; b) can; c) may; d) don’ t have to.
3. I ….. exactly express my meaning.
a) shan’t; b) mustn’t; c) can `t; d) needn’t.
4. ….. I bring my sister to the party ?
a) shall; b) can; c) must; d) may.
5. ….. you see anything in this inky darkness ?
a) can; b) may; c) must; d) need.
6.She asked me if she ….. use my telephone.
a) can; b) could; c) might; d) may.
7. I ….. go to hospital to visit my aunt.
a) could; b) had to; c) was able to; d) must.
8. She ….. stay at home because she didn’t feel well.
a) could; b) was to; c) had to; d) must.
9. What is done ….. be undone.
a) can; b) cannot; c) may not; d) must.
10. ….. we learn the poem today ?
a) shall; b) should; c) could; d) must.
11. She ….. graduate that year.
a) had to; b) must; c) could; d) was to.
12. She ….. get to the airport in time, there isn’t much time left.
a) can; b) won `t be able; c) wouldn’t; d) won’t have to.
13. Students ….. do homework in time.
a) must; b) are to; c) have to; d) can.
14. ….. I shut the door ?
a) must; b) can; c) may; d) need
3. Доберіть потрібну форму дієслова.
1. They ….. start on Monday.
a) has to; b) must; c) were to; d) could.
2. Only a person who knows the language very well ….. answer such a
a) can; b) may; c) has to; d) is to.
3. Mike ….. write this exercise at school because he hadn’t done it at
a) must; b) had to; c) was able to; d) was to.
4. You ….. know how to raise your children not to be losers.
a) may; b) are to; c) have to; d) should.
5. ….. you ….. do the work tomorrow ?
a) will *** have to; b) will *** be able to; c) can;
d) will *** be allowed to
6. ….. I go to the post office with Mike ?
a) may; b) can; c) must; d) shall.
7. After they had finished their homework, the children (дозволили) …..
watch TV.
a) were able to; b) had to; c) were to; d) were allowed to.
8. We ….. speak at the lessons.(не дозволяють)
a) can’ t; b) mustn’t; c) aren’t allowed to; d) aren’t able to.
9. Nothing ….. be done, it’s too late.
a) can’t; b) can; c) may; d) must.
10. I ….. wear glasses as my eyesight is very weak.
a) am to; b) must; c) can; d) have to.
11. They decided that she ….. send them a telegram every tenth day.
a) was to; b) had to; c) must; d) was able to.
12. You ….. take any more pills after next Monday (не потрібно).
a) can’t; b) mustn’t; c) needn’t; d) shouldn’t.
13. They ….. be taught a lesson (потрібно).
a) could; b) should; c) must; d) may.
14. The school was silent : nothing ….. be heard in the long dark
a) can; b) couldn’t; c) could; d) wasn’t able to.
1. Choose who, which, that, when, why, where , whose.
1. Choose who, which, that, when, why, where , whose.
sister, … name is Lara, works at the library.
last film, … I couldn’t understand at all, was a great success.
him something … will take away the pain.
work in the town … my son lives.
We’ll show you the poem … changed my life.
That’s the main reason … I came to you.
never forget my childhood … I was so happy.
is the most beautiful waterfall … we have ever seen!
Combine the sentences using relative clauses. Note that all relative clauses
are non-defining.
Samuel Johnson was the son of a bookseller. Samuel Johnson was born in
Samuel Johnson
1728, he went to Oxford. He studied at Pembroke College in Oxford.
1728, he went
Johnson had to leave Oxford without a degree. He was too poor to pay the
1737, Johnson moved to London. There he wrote poetry, essays and biographies.
1737, Johnson
1746, Johnson started to write his dictionary. It took him nine years to
1746, Johnson started
Underline the most suitable word in each sentence.
1 My friend Jack, that I who / whose parents
live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland.
2 Here's the computer program that / whom /
whose I told you about.
3 I don't believe the story that / who / whom
she told us.
4 Peter comes from Witney, that / who / which
is near Oxford.
4. You can use either gerunds or infinitives
after the following verbs. Find the odd word in the chain of the verbs.
deny practise afford
offer mention risk
3) put
off prove learn
admit fancy fail
expect happen give up
enjoy endure imagine
can't help adore refuse
carry on
delay have difficulty intend
spend time
can't stand keep resist
10) be busy
neglect threaten plan
Complete the following sentences using gerunds.
1. (Be) free and alone is a good thing if you
are tired of big cities.
2. (Find) you here was a quite a surprise.
3. If this is what you intend (ask) me, stop
(waste) your time.
4. They kept on (talk) though the band began
5. Everyone enjoyed (swim) in the river.
6. My watch needs (repair).
7. He never mentioned (live) in Prague.
8. He does not seem to mind (air) the room.
9. Just imagine (go) there together!
Use the Infinitives in brackets in the necessary tense-form.
Організація та основна тематика ЗНО
Use the Infinitives in brackets in the necessary tense-form.
We (to meet) twice a week.
I (not understand) your remark.
She (to wind) the watch every morning.
He often (to spend) his summer vacation at the sea-side.
My watch (to go) right. I (to set) it by the radio.
She usually (to walk) to the University.
Our teacher (to speak) English and French.
We always (to be glad) to see you here.
He usually (to be late) on Saturday.
What foreign
languages your friend (to speak)?
You always (to be welcome) to my house.
I (to know) this men. He often (to call on) us.
It often (to rain) here?
Her marks (to be) always good.
You (to see) anybody in the street?
It (to take) you ten minutes if you (to take) a taxi.
You (to catch) the train if you (to hurry).
If you (to be busy) on Sunday
afternoon I (to invite) your friend.
If you (to look through) today’s newspapers you
(to see) your picture.
Replace the Infinitives in brackets by the Present Tense or by the Future Tense.
1.If nothing (to happen) I (to be back) on the 3rd of May.
2.If it (to blow) from the east, we (to have) rain.
3.There (to be) no picnic tomorrow unless the
weather (to be) clear.
4.You will
excuse me if I (to be) a little late.
5.Give him this
message when you (to see) him.
6.I don’t know
when he (to come), but when he (to come) I shall speak to him.
7.You not (to catch) the train unless you (to leave) at once.
8.When you (to see) her, ask her to come.
9.If you (to come) today, we (to play) chess.
10.If I (to see) him again, I (to recognize) him.
Read the text
The United Kingdom is home to a vast number of prestigious universities. Every year, students begin the rigorous admissions process to attend one of these schools, including students from all over the world. To gain admission to a top university in the U. K. from wherever a student may be, students must go through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. The top 10 U. K. universities are the elite, and admission to them is very competitive.
(1) The University of Bristol
Located in Bristol, England, the University of Bristol is one of the proclaimed red-brick universities, a group of six British universities established as civil science or engineering colleges before World War I. It consistently ranks at the top of lists published by the ―League Tables of British Universities‖. It also receives the most applications per school of any British university, according to its website.
(2) The University of Exeter
The University of Exeter is located in the southwest of England and has three campuses. They boast high entry standards and low dropout rates, with a great majority of students consistently reporting satisfaction with their academic experiences there, according to the university.
(3) Durham University
Durham University, located in Durham, claims to be the third oldest university in England behind its two heavyweight institutions, Cambridge and Oxford. According to the ―League Tables of British Universities‖, it attracts a largely middle and higher class student body as an alternative to both Cambridge and Oxford.
(4) London School of Economics
The London School of Economics, or the LSE, describes itself as the world’s leading social science institution for both teaching and research. It has the lowest admissions rate of any university in Britain, making it one of the most selective universities.
(5) The University of Warwick
Located in the outskirts of West Midlands, England, the University of Warwick is a research-led institution. It has high academic standards and is renowned for its research in numerous areas such as history, mathematics and business, to name a few. It also boasts many alumni in a diverse array of fields.
Read the statements and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE according to what the text says.
1. The University of Bristol was founded as civic science or engineering colleges.
2. The University of Exeter is situated in the southeast of England.
3. The Durham University is the third oldest university.
4. The London school of Economics is the institution for teaching.
5. University of Warwick has the highest academic standards.
Useful information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read the text
Being a Student
(1) The University of Bristol
Located in Bristol, England, the University of Bristol is one of the proclaimed red-brick universities, a group of six British universities established as civil science or engineering colleges before World War I. It consistently ranks at the top of lists published by the ―League Tables of British Universities‖. It also receives the most applications per school of any British university, according to its website.
(2) The University of Exeter
The University of Exeter is located in the southwest of England and has three campuses. They boast high entry standards and low dropout rates, with a great majority of students consistently reporting satisfaction with their academic experiences there, according to the university.
(3) Durham University
Durham University, located in Durham, claims to be the third oldest university in England behind its two heavyweight institutions, Cambridge and Oxford. According to the ―League Tables of British Universities‖, it attracts a largely middle and higher class student body as an alternative to both Cambridge and Oxford.
(4) London School of Economics
The London School of Economics, or the LSE, describes itself as the world’s leading social science institution for both teaching and research. It has the lowest admissions rate of any university in Britain, making it one of the most selective universities.
(5) The University of Warwick
Located in the outskirts of West Midlands, England, the University of Warwick is a research-led institution. It has high academic standards and is renowned for its research in numerous areas such as history, mathematics and business, to name a few. It also boasts many alumni in a diverse array of fields.
Read the statements and decide if they are TRUE or FALSE according to what the text says.
1. The University of Bristol was founded as civic science or engineering colleges.
2. The University of Exeter is situated in the southeast of England.
3. The Durham University is the third oldest university.
4. The London school of Economics is the institution for teaching.
5. University of Warwick has the highest academic standards.
Useful information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Useful for lexical exercises
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