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Тема: The history of hamburger.
Lexical exercises
Історія гамбургера. Лексичні вправи 

1. Reading the text (прочитайте текст та виконайте наступні завдання)  ПИСЬМОВО!!!

History of the Hamburger
1_______The roots of a modern hamburger go back to the German city of Hamburg. According to historians, German immigrants to the United States brought the recipe for a dish of raw chopped beef mixed with egg. The Germans learned about the dish, now called Steak Tartar from the Russian sailors who visited Hamburg and brought along an appetite for food from their homeland. The Russians apparently learned about the dish from the Tartars.
2________The first documented mention of a ham burg steak in the United States was in the 1830s. In 1896, a hamburger was included in the famous cookbook of Boston chef Fannie Farmer for the first time.
3________More than one person has claimed to be the creator of the modern hamburger sandwich. At various times in the late 1800s and early 1900s, cooks from Wisconsin, Connecticut Ohio, and Texas boasted of inventing the hamburger.
4_________The most widely reported story about the origin of the hamburger comes from the 1904 World's Fair. Fletcher Davis and his wife from Athens set up a food counter and sold ham burgers with hot mustard and a slice of onion. An article about the fair in St Louis was published in a New York newspaper, and it mentioned the sale of hamburgers but failed to include the name of the cook. Since then, the whole world has come to know the ham burger, but no one will ever know with absolute certainty, who really created it!
- Choose the best heading from the list for each part of the text.( Підібрати заголовки до кожного абзацу)

Some sausages from Hamburg
B The first mention on the paper
C Who is a real creator?
D Some historical facts
E Boasting of invention
F All ingredients

- Do the tests and choose the best answer to each question (виконайте тести та оберіть найкращий варіант відповіді на питання) 

1.How did the dish, now called Steak Tartar, come to Germany?
A It was brought by the Russian sailors.
B It was brought by the Native Americans.
C It was brought by the Tartars.
2. Where was a hamburg steak recipe written down first?
A In a menu
B In a cookbook
C In an encyclopedia
3. Who has claimed to be the creator of the modern hamburger sandwich?
A Immigrants
B Cooks
C Sailors
4. Where were hamburgers sold in 1904?
A At the World's Fair
B At a rodeo
C At the Big Sky Games
5. What did a New York newspaper fail to mention about the fair in St Louis?
A The World Fair
B Hamburgers
C The name of the cook

2. Task. Do the lexical exercise Лексична вправа (виконуємо у вигляді тестів - заповнити пропуски словами зліва) 

3. Task. Do the CROSSWORD 
Кросворд - виконуємо одразу на сайті!!! Перейдіть за посиланням!!

Тема: What is fast food?
Що ж таке "фаст фуд"? 

1.Task. Introduction of the vocabulary (введення лексики) 
Записати в зошити з перекладом відповідно до малюнків!!! 

2. Task. Reading the text Прочитайте текст

3.Task. Do the interactive test (Виконайте ТЕСТ - перейдіть за посиланням) !! Виконуємо одразу на сайті!! 

. Task. Write an essay " What is better?"
 Напишіть ессе "Що краще?" (5-6 речень) 

Тема: Summing up on the topic "Jobs & Professions"
Task1.Do the test
Підручник О. Карп'юк 11 клас
Task2.Choose the correct tense form to complete each sentence (виберіть правильну часову форму Впр. 1, ст. 71)
Task3. Choose the correct word from the list to complete the text (виберіть слово зі списку, щоб доповнити текст Впр. 2, ст. 71)
Task4.Read the text, then read the statements and choose only those ones which are the appropriate to the content of the text (прочитайте текст і виберіть твердження, що відповідають змісту тексту Впр. 4, ст. 72)
Тема: Career paths
О. Карп'юк 11кл.

Task1.Choose the correct word to complete each sentence (Виберіть правильне слово) Впр. 2. ст. 60
Task2. Fill in the gaps choosing the correct words from the list on page 61
Task3. Read and guess the jobs of the people (прочитайте і здогадайтеся професії людей Впр. 4 a,b,c, ст. 61).
Тема: Career paths
О. Карп'юк 11кл.

Task1.Choose the correct word to complete each sentence (Виберіть правильне слово) Впр. 2. ст. 60
Task2. Fill in the gaps choosing the correct words from the list on page 61
Task3. Read and guess the jobs of the people (прочитайте і здогадайтеся професії людей Впр. 4 a,b,c, ст. 61).

Тема: An interview with the employer

Task1. Match the questions with the answers to make an interview (поєднайте питання та відповіді, Впр. 1, ст. 50)

Task2. Read the dialogue and make a similar one, use some of the phrases from the box (прочитайте діалог, напишіть подібний, використовуючи фрази з рамочки, Впр. 2, ст. 51)

Task3. Make up questions to interview Chris Jones (Впр. 3, ст.
Тема: Curriculum Vitae
Task1. Learn about Curriculum Vitae (ознайомтеся зі схемою написання резюме ст. 68 Writing Point)

Task2. Compare the structures of two types of application and find out the difference between them (Порівняйте два типи резюме Впр. 1 ст. 66)

Task3. Read the situation and make notes which will help you to write a letter (Заповніть таблицю відповідно до поданої інформації Впр. 2 ст. 66 письмово!)
Тема: "Make up your mind"
Працюємо за підручником О. Карп'юк 11 кл.

Task 1. Read new words, write them down with the translation (запишіть у зошитнові слова з перекладом у зошит , ст. 45)

Task 2. Read and translate the text on p. 44(Прочитайте і перекладіть текст)

Task 3. Match the words with their definitions (Впр. 4, ст. 47)
Працюємо за підручником В. М. Буренко 10 кл.

Task 1. Read new words, write them down with the translation (запишіть у зошитнові слова з перекладом у зошит Впр. 2, ст. 135-136)  https://vshkole.com/10-klass/uchebniki/anglijska-mova/vm-burenko-2018/stranitsa-135

Task 2. Read the job advertisements and think of the job you would apply for. Match the statements to the job.  (Прочитайте і перекладіть текст- усно Впр. 7 ст. 136-138)https://vshkole.com/10-klass/uchebniki/anglijska-mova/vm-burenko-2018/stranitsa-136

Тема: Great Britain: an interesting excurssion 
Великобританія: цікава екскурсія 

1. Task. Watch the PRESENTATION

Написати, яке місце в Британії ви б хотіли відвідати і чому?? 

(4-5 речень) 

2. Task. Do the QUIZ (Виконати інтерактивний ТЕСТ - ПИСЬМОВО!!!)

4. Task. What do the British eat?? 
Що їдять Британці??  (Інтерактивна вправа он-лайн!!!) 

Тема: Подорож Лондоном 
Travelling around London

1.Task Reading "Attractions of London"

Big Ben is a great attraction of tourists.

They want to see the clock in its tower and to

hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell. You can

hear it every hour.

Westminster Abbey is the most
famous church in England. It was built by King
Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British
Kings and Queens took place in it. Some
famous English people were also buried here.

You can see the Tower of London
from the river Thames. The tower is very old. It
has a long and cruel history. The Tower was
King’s palace, prison, zoo. Now it is a museum,
where one can see treasure of British monarchy.

Buckingham Palace is the place where
British Queen Elizabeth II lives. When the
Queen is at home we can see the flag above the

Trafalgar Square is the center of
London. In the center of square we can see
Nelson’s Column in honor of Admiral
Nelson, who defeated Napoleon fleet in 1805.
There are four bronze lions around the

The Houses of Parliament.
The members of the British Parliament work in
this building. Inside this beautiful building there
is the House of Common and the House of

2. TEST on london (письмово в зошитах)

3. Do the crossword "London sights" (письмово)


Тема: "Ukraine in the world". Summing up.

Task 1. Complete the text with the appropriate words. 

Task 2. Match the words to make expressions (Впр. 6 ст. 141)

Task 3. Match the names of the European institutions with their descriptions (there is one extra description) (Впр. 4. ст. 256)


Task 4. Answer the questions.

1. What countries does Ukraine border on?
2. What are the main rivers of Ukraine?
3. What does the Ukrainian constitution establish?
4. What branches is the state power in Ukraine divided into?
5. Who is the head of the state?
6. What are the state symbols of Ukraine?
7. What is the capital of Ukraine?

Тема: Voting in Ukraine. Lexical exercises

Голосування в Україні. Лексичні вправи

1. Task Work with vocabulary

З'єднайте слова з їхнім значенням - ПИСЬМОВО!!!

2. Task Reading and filling the gaps 
Читати та заповнити пропуски відповідними словами (письмово)

3. Task Work with PRESENTATION


Тема: Acquaintance with the European Union . Знайомство з Європейським Союзом. 

Task 1. Read the text about EU and do the tasks after it. (прочитайте текст про ЄС та виконайте завдання після нього)- ПИСЬМОВО!!!

The European Union (EU) is a politico-economic union  of  states that are located primarily in Europe. The European integration has been providing for stability, peace and economic prosperity for the last 59 years. It helped to raise the level of living and create the inner market.
The European Union (EU) was created after the Word War II. Process of the European integration began on 9, May 1950 when France offered to “form the first foundation of the European federation”. At first six countries united – Belgium, Germany France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Today there are 28 members in the European Union.
The European Union is based upon the supremacy of the law and democracy. Its main aims are:
Creation if the European citizenship;
Guarantees of freedom, security and law;
Assistance in economic and social progress.
The main institution is the European Parliament which is elected every five years by citizens in the countries-participants.
- make up a plan to the text;

- write 3 questions to the text and answer them.

Task 2. Countries-members of the EU and their capitals
Запишіть столицю відповідно до назви країни і ,навпаки, країну відповідно до столиці.

Task 3. Do the QUIZ "Some facts about the European Union" . Виконайте міні вікторину "Деякі факти про ЄС" - ПИСЬМОВО!! 

Тема:"The Place of Ukraine in the World"

Task 1. Read the text and say what international organisations Ukraine deals with. Answer the questions. (Прочитайте текст про міжнародні відносини України, дайте відповіді на питання. Письмово!!! )

    An international cooperation is a way to compensate the lack of national resources (financial, economic, political, military, etc.). Being an equal member of the international community is supposed to offer additional capabilities for national governments to deal with their domestic and external issues. 
    Ukraine is broadly integrated in the system of regional and global organisations and has participated in numerous regional and global security initiatives. Its membership in 83 international organisations proves the intentions of the national government to be an active and responsible member of the international community.
    Ukraine is also supported by OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, NATO Parliamentary Assembly, European Council, the European Parliament, and the European Commission. Among international organisations UN, the EU, NATO and OSCE have played the most important role. 
    The European Union. The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is the legal basis and framework for EU-Ukraine relations, aiming at political association and economic integration.  The main role of the EU in Ukraine is not only to provide assistance in various areas, but also to maintain a positive external pressure on the national Government in order to meet its own commitments and to deliver what Ukrainian people need.
    NATO. In the early 90s newly independent Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (1991) and the Partnership for Peace Programme (1994).  Nowadays NATO has reinforced its support for Ukraine giving priority to comprehensive security and defence sector reform, strengthening national capability to defend itself by providing a wide range of advisory, technical, financial assistance, conducting training and joint military exercises, establishing new trust funds.
     OSCE. Covering 57 states from Europe, Central Asia and North America, OSCE is the world’s largest regional security organization. The purpose is to promote fair elections, human rights and freedom of media. It also deals with preventing conflicts, crisis management and post-conflict recovery. In addition to monitoring, OSCE is conducting a number of activities aimed at reconciliation, promoting national dialogue, supporting reforms, etc.

1. Why is the international cooperation important?
2. What organisations is Ukraine supported by?
3. What is the main role of the EU in Ukraine?
4. What is the main role of NATO in Ukraine?
5. What is the main purpose of OSCE? 

Тема: International organizations. 

           United Nation.

Міжнародні організації. ООН. 

Task 1. Select the appropriate acronyms from the list to fill in the blanks (запишіть абривіатури-назви міжнародних організацій відповідно до їх опису)- ПИСЬМОВО!!!

  1. The United Nations :  _______
  2. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.: ____________
  3. The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund : _______
  4. Food and Agriculture Organization : _______
  5. World Health Organization : _______
  6. International Labor Organization : _______
  7. Amnesty International : _______
  8. Doctors Without Frontiers : _______
  9. The World Bank : _______
  10. World Trade Organization : _______
  11. North Atlantic Organization : _______
  12. UN High commissioner for Refugees : _______
  13. The International Monetary Fund : _______

Task 2.Read and translate the text - читати , перекладати текст (УСНО!!!!!) Виконайте тест -перейдіть за посиланням! 

 The United Nations is an international organisation of countries. It was created for many reasons:

 There should be peace and security in the world after the Second World War.
 Countries should be friendly to each other.
 Countries should help each other solve problems.
 Human rights should be respected everywhere in the world.

After the Second World War the allied countries got together to discuss in which ways such an organization could be created. In 1945 50 countries got together in San Francisco and signed an agreement that created the United Nations. The United States invited the new UN to set up its headquarters in New York. The building was finished in 1952 and has been the permanent seat of the UN until today.

The main parts of the UN

There are 5 main parts in this organization:

 The General Assembly
 The Security Council
 The Economic and Social Council
 The International Court of Justice
 The Secretariat

All countries get together in the General Assembly. It normally meets once a year, but it doesn't have any real power. It discusses problems and recommends ways to solve them. In the General Assembly each country has one vote.

The Security Council is the main body of the UN. It gets together almost every day and it has the most power. Member countries must do what the Security Council decides. There are 15 members in this council – five of them are permanent: The United States, Russia, China, France and Great Britain. These countries have a right to veto anything. The other 10 members change all the time. They stay in the Security Council for 2 years.

The Security Council makes very important decisions and all the countries have to obey them. It tries to keep peace in the world and also tries to solve conflicts that endanger world peace. It also sends peacekeepers to countries where there is trouble.

The World Court makes decisions when two countries argue about something. It has independent judges that are elected by the UN.

The Secretary General has a lot of power in the UN. He is the highest official and is elected for five years by the General Assembly. He often travels around the world to settle conflicts between countries.

The United Nations also has many other organisations The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) tries to find out if countries have atomic weapons. Its seat is in Vienna. The World Health Organisation is a UN programme to help control diseases all over the world. UNICEF is an organisation to help children in need in poor countries.

The United Nations needs a lot of money to keep up all of these organisations and programmes. It gets most of its money from the world's rich countries like the United States (about 25%), Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy. A lot of the money is used for peacekeeping missions.

TEST "United Nations"

1.     Match the words with the definitions:

a)     the subjects included in a course of study or taught at a particular school, college;
b)    to gain a skill, habit, etc by one’s own ability, efforts or behaviour;
c)     a favorable time, occasion or set of circumstances for doing sth;
d)    to become aware of or accept sth as a fact; to being to understand sth;

a)     to realize;
b)    to acquire;
c)     an opportunity;
d)    curriculum;

2.     Translate into English:
1.     необов’язковий предмет---
2.     технікум-----
3.     школа-інтернат----
4.     випускник школи-----
5.     основний предмет----

3.     Choose ‘study’ or ‘learn’……:
1.     I must……..this poem by heart!
2.     He……..by watching the work of the experience.
3.     She……. to drive a car.

4.     Combine the given sentences to make the 1st Conditional:

1.     The weather will be fine. The children will go on a trip.
2.     He will come to see us. We will play chess.
3.     Mother will not allow us to go to the cinema. We will see the film on TV.
4.     The wind will blow from the west. It will rain.

I. Translate into Ukrainian.
1. A famous artist
2. to exhibit modern paintings
3. The national Gallery in London was founded in 1824.
4. They founded their art school and created masterpieces.
5. There is a new exhibition in this museum, isn't there?
6. Almost all old masters are represented there.
7. What gallery would you like to visit?
8. I'd like to visit the National Art Museum.
9. I've never been there before.
Complete the sentences with the words from the box
Art is the ________(1) or expression of what is beautiful, especially in visual _____(2). Drawing, painting, ________(3), architecture, literature, music, ballet belong to the fine art». Really when something is extremely beautiful or has great cultural _____(4), we say: «It's art».
The twentieth ______(4) has given the world _______(5). For a long time there have been ______(6) whether the cinema is an art or just an ________(7). Nowadays the cinema is considered one of the main ______(8) arts. Not so long ago people went to cinemas frequently, but now we prefer to stay at ______(9) and watch videos, ______(10) and TV. Maybe cinemas are no longer as _______(11) as they used to be but films will always be one of the best entertainments for people all over the ______(12). Speaking about art one should not forget about _______(13), especially classic music. _________(14) composers make all the world _______(15) their music.
Creation, sculpture, value, popular, outstanding, century, home, films, world, music, admire, cinema, entertainment, contemporary, from, disputes

Match the words with their translations.
               1.  to be influenced by                       a)  шедевр
               2.  a baroque                                      b)  змальовувати
               3.  an exhibit                                      c)  експонат, експозиція
               4.  a masterpiece                                d)  включати
               5.  to include                                      e)  перебувати під впливом

               6.  to depict                                        f)  бароко

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word.

Art museums preserve numerous masterpieces / landscapes which prove that art painting goes back thousands years. Even now we admire the mosaic and fresco pictures / images, icons which have survived through hundreds of years. Among the best known portraits / icons is “The Trinity” by Andrey Rublyov, a portpatist / painter who opened a new era in world painting. The works of painters, whether Italian, German, English, Dutch, Ukrainian, French or Russian are always marked by a profound humanism and are reflected / inspired by innovatory ideas. The names of the greatest impressionists / specialist realists C. Monet, Renoir, Degas are well-known.


Виконайте Впр. 2 ст. 57 

Check your knowledge (перевірте свої знання. виконайте тест)


Change the sentences using the equivalents of modal verbs. (письмово)
Final test (письмово)
(1,3,5,7 ... 1й варіант
2,4,6,8 .... 2й варіант)
“School life”
variant  1
I. Translate into Ukrainian.
Primary school
To pay fees
Language school
II. Use if to put the sentences.
1. I’ll finish my study good. I’ll learn at school a lot.__________________________
2. Olexander has the highest marks from English in our class. He always does all Home works _________________________________________________________
3. You look happy. Do you have a nice day?________________________________
4. I can’t do my project work. I probably ask my teacher for help.________________
5. All our class write a poem. They read examples.____________________________
6. I am a good pupil. I always keep all school rules. ___________________________
III. Complete the table.
Education in Ukraine

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
The primary school
The basic secondary school
The upper secondary school
Age of pupils

Period of study





IV. Ask 6 questions to the sentence.
There are three stages of primary and secondary education in Ukraine.
“School life”
variant  2
I. Translate into Ukrainian.

upper secondary school
nursery school
to reward
native tongue

II. Use if to put the sentences.
1. I study a lot. I may have good results at the lesson.__________________________
2. He can’t learn the poem. He can ask his mum to help him.____________________
3. You look sad. Do you have a bad day?___________________________________
4. I can’t do my homework. I probably ask my elder sister for help._______________
5. All our class draw a newspaper. They use photos.___________________________
6. My classmates are good pupils. They always keep all school rules. _____________
III. Complete the table.
The school system in the UK
Nursery school
Infant school
Primary school
Secondary school
Technical college
Age of pupils

Period of study





IV. Ask 6 questions to the sentence.
The system of education in Great Britain is rather complicated.


Choose tre right variant
Виконайте Впр. 4 ст. 114 (Буренко В. М.)
Read the text, translate it. Say if the statements are True or False. 
Education plays a very important role in our life. It may reveal our abilities and help to choose the right occupation in life. It also influences the formation of the personality. We often remember our teachers for decades.
The system of education in Ukraine includes secondary and higher education. The system of secondary education in Ukraine includes primary junior and senior secondary forms. Children usually start to go to school at the age of 6 or 7. Primary forms are 1—4 forms. Junior secondary forms are 5—9 forms. After the 9th form children may enter technical schools or colleges of different types. After the 11—12 forms children may enter higher educational institutions. Those who graduate from a technical school or a college may also study further at a higher educational institution.
The system of higher education includes universities, academies, institutes and conservatories. They usually offer a five-year course of study. Nowadays a new system of training is introduced: Bachelor of Arts — B. A. and Master of Arts — M. A. When students receive their diploma, they may study further. Post-graduate education and scientific research work are not very popular now among young people. But in some fields of science there are outstanding research papers and discoveries.
primary forms — молодші класи
junior secondary forms — середні класи
senior secondary forms — старші класи
a higher educational institution — вищий навчальний заклад
post-graduate education — аспірантура
1) Education isn't necessary in people's life (T/F).
2) Secondary and higher education are the two main levels of Ukrainian education (T/F).
3) Children may enter higher educational institutions after the 11—12 forms (T/F).
4) Post-graduate education is impossible in Ukraine (T/F).
Read the text and translate it 

British Private Education

Seven per cent of British schoolchildren go to private schools called independent schools. There are 2,400 independent schools and they have been growing in number and popularity since the mid-1980's.
Parents pay for these schools, and fees vary from about 250 pounds a term for a private nursery to 3,000 pounds a term or more for a secondary boarding school. Most independent schools are called prep (preparatory) schools because they prepare the children for the Common Entrance Exam which they take at the age of 11. This exam is for entry into the best schools.
The most famous schools are called "public schools" and they have a long history and traditions. It is often necessary to put your child's name on a waiting list at birth to be sure he or she gets a place, Children of wealthy or aristocratic families often go to the same public school as their parents and their grandparents. Eton is the best known of these schools.
The majority of independent secondary schools, including public schools, are single-sex, although in recent years girls have been allowed to join the sixth forms of boys' schools. Independent schools also include religious schools (Jewish, Catholic, Muslim etc.) and schools for ethnic minorities.

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