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Орієнтовні білети до екзамену

Тема: Agricultural economics
Task1.Read, translate the words and remember new words

ownership [' ounqSIp] власність, право власності
corporate ownership акціонерна власність
benefit ['benIfIt] advantage прибуток, вигода ; перевага
to benefit from smth знаходити вигоду в чомусь
proprietorship [prq'praIqtqSIp] право власності
sole proprietorship власність, що належить одному власнику
partnership [ 'pRtnqSIp] партнерство
failure ['feIljq] невдача, провал, банкротство
fail [feIl] виявитись не здібним до певної справи
activity [xk'tIvItI] діяльність
prohibit [prq'hIbIt ] забороняти
to prohibit by law забороняти законом
drawback ['drO:bxk] перешкода
undesirable ["AndI'zaIqrqbl] небажаний
personal [ 'pWsqnql] персональний
hire [' hQIq] наймати на роботу

Forms of Business Ownership
    Business is a commercial enterprise performing all those functions that govern the production, distribution, and sale of goods and services for the benefit of the buyer and the profit of the seller.
    Since the beginning of the era of economic progress old ways of running business have been modified, and new forms of business organization have been introduced. This has enabled various branches of industry to adapt to changing conditions and to function more easily, efficiently and profitably, sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation being the main three forms of business ownership.
    A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person, in which all the profits belong to the owner, the latter being fully responsible for the success and the failure of the business. Unless an activity is specifically prohibited by law, no field of business is closed to an owner. Although advantages for the small business exist in this form, certain drawbacks make it undesirable for larger concerns. In the first place, the single owner is seldom able to invest as much capital as can be obtained by a partnership or a corporation.
    If single owners are able to invest large amounts of capital, they ran great risk of losing it all because they are personally liable for all the debts of their businesses. It is due to unlimited liability that all the personal assets of the owner, including his home and car, can be sold to settle the debts of the business. Unless the owner has much personal wealth, the business may have difficulty borrowing money in critical times. A sole proprietorship may also have difficulty hiring and keeping good employees, because the business will dissolve when
the owner retires or dies.
    A partnership is an association of two or more persons who have agreed to c ombine their financial assets, labour, property, and other resources as well as their abilities and who carry on a business jointly for the purpose of profit. The agreement the partners usually sign to form an association is known as a partnership contract and may include general policies, distribution of profits, responsibilities.
    Like the sole proprietorship, the partnership is easy to establish, and its profits are not subjected to federal corporation taxes. Financing is generally easier to obtain because the personal assets of the group are usually larger and the chances of success are higher. The major disadvantage of the partnership is unlimited liability of each partner for the debts of the business, that is complete
financial responsibility for losses. Furthermore, partners who wish to retire may find it difficult to recover their investments without dissolving the partnership and ending the business.
    A business corporation is an organization created by law that allows people to associate together for the purpose of making profit. Corporations are also known as joint-stock companies because they are jointly owned by different persons who receive shares of stock in exchange for an investment of money in the company. Shares represent fractions of the company' s assets such as cash, equipment, real estate, manufactured goods, etc. Though the corporation is more difficult and expensive to organize than other business forms, it has a number of advantages.
First, investors can limit their personal liability to the amount of money they have invested, thus, if the corporation goes bankrupt, they can lose no more than they have put in.

Task2. Find the synonyms and Ukrainian equivalents in the text
advantage; disadvantage; in order to have profit; to employ smb; to be fully responsible for smth; to forbid smb smth; to get (dividends) (2); to take chances; smb' s property; a consumer; to carry out functions; to operate a business; to end the business; to let smb do smth (2); to be pensioned off; to spread profits; full financial liability (2); to get back investments; a corporate performance; to set up a partnership (2); to own smth together; to pay debts: produced commodities; to restrict liability; to involve large amounts of capital; the main business form; to pay taxes twice; something unwanted; to provide reports
Task3. Find Ukrainian words for English equivalents
1. Being the oldest form of business, (особова форма власності) is the main form of (власності) in farming, building, repairing work and (особистих послугах) such as hairdressing, selling retail estate, etc. (власник) provides complete control over the business, its loans, capital and policies.
2. The lawyers of the corporation are supposed (особисто відповідальний за діяльність) of the corporation. They may be (заборонено) to practice law if they ( не зможуть) to represent their clients properly.
Task4. Answer the questions
1. What are the main reasons of developing different forms of business ownership?
2. What is a sole proprietorship?
3. Are there any limitations as to the field of activity of a proprietor?
4. What are the main disadvantages of a sole proprietorship?
Why do you think this form of business is very risky?
5. What items are usually included in a partnership contract?
6. What are the similarities and differences between a sole
proprietorship and a partnership?
7. What is a business corporation and who are stockholders?
8. What is considered to be the major advantage of the corporation?
9. What does double taxation of profits mean?
10.How can large amounts of money attracted by a corporation be used?
Тема: Summimg-up on the topic Mechanisation 

Task1. Match the verbs on the right with each noun on the left in order to make a job that you are likely to find on a farm.

The horses                          plow,  harvest, chop,  feed, pick, water
The soil
The wood
The crops
The corn
The grapes
The chickens
The vegetables
The field

Task2. Match the English names of garden tools and agricultural implements to their Ukrainian equivalents.
1) spade                             a) сапа, мотика
2) rake                                 в) серп
3) ridging hoe                     c) розпилювач
4) gardener' s knife             d) поливалка
5) sickle                             e) газонокосарка
6) garden hose                    f)пилка для обрізання гілок
7) sprayer                             g) тризубі вила
8) lawn mower                         h) коса
9) Saw for cutting branches     i) молоток
10) three-pronged fork            j) садовий ніж
11) scythe                             k) граблі
12) hammer                             l) лопата
13) watering can                     m) садовий шланг

Task3. Translate the sentences using the different forms of the verb "to have":

1. A modern plough has up to six mould boards. 
2. When the piston has reached the bottom of its stroke the inlet valve closes. 
3. Both conventional and reversible ploughs have been produced by
our plant. 
4. The driver has to attach the plough correctly, 
5. The pneumatic tyres have become so efficient and so popular that they are the standard part of all wheeled tractors. 
6. Modern tractors usually have a four-stroke engine. 
7. We have to set all mould boards at the same angle.


Тема: Combine harvesters

a combine harvester                                                         комбайн

to thresh                                                                           молотити

a cutter bar                                                                       фреза

a reel                                                                                котушка

an auger                                                                           шнек

front beater                                                                       передній барабан

a concave                                                                         западина

a straw walker                                                                  соломотряс

a sieve                                                                              сито

Task 1. 
Read and translate the text

Combines are used for various crops. Combines harvest the crops. Combines used to harvest the crops are called combine harvesters.

The combine harvester cuts and threshes the crop. It cuts, threshes and separates the crop. The combine harvester separates the grain.  It separates the grain from the straw and chaff.

The mechanism of a combine harvester is divided into three sections. The cutting mechanism consists of some parts. To cut the crop a cutter bar is used. There are dividers at the cutter bar. The dividers separate the crop to be left. There is a reel at the cutter bar. The reel directs the crop to the cutter bar platform. The crop is directed to the centre of the platform by an auger.

The main elevator lifts the crop to the front beater. The front beater increases the delivery of the crop. To reduce its speed is the function of the rear beater. The drum is one of the main parts of the threshing mechanism. The crop is threshed between the drum and the concave. The concave consists of bars. There are spaces between the bars. The threshed grain falls through the spaces. It falls on the grain pan located under the concave.

The grain is separated from the straw by the straw walkers. The grain is separated from the chaff by the sieves. The sieves and the fan are the parts of the separating unit. To separate the chaff is a task of this unit. The fan provides a flow of air. This flow of air keeps the sieves clean.

The harvested grain is directed to the grain tank. Grain tank capacities vary. After the grain becomes clean it is directed to a grain tank. From the grain tank the grain is delivered to a trailer.

To cut the crop a reciprocating type cutter bar is used. There is a divider at each side of the cutter bar. It separates the crop to be cut from that which will be left for the next round. The crop is cut while held against  the cutter bar by the reel. After the crop is cut, the reel directs it to the cutter bar platform. The reel is one of the main parts of a combine.

It has tines which can be angled 4 to provide better cutting of the crops. A large auger moves the crop to the centre of the platform. By means of tines the auger directs the crop to the main elevator which lifts the crop to the threshing mechanism.

The threshing mechanism consists of a front beater, a heavy rotating drum, a concave, and a rear beater. The. main elevators used to lift the crop to the front beater. It delivers the crop to the drum and concave. The front beater increases the speed of the crop as it moves to the drum. Some combines do not have a front beater. In these combines the work of the front beater can be done by the main elevator.

Threshing takes place between the drum and concave. There are spaces between the concave bars, so the threshed grain is sallower to fall through on to the grain pan. To reduce the speed of the crop as it leaves the cylinder is the task of the rear beater. The rear beater is the part of the threshing mechanism which both reduces the speed of the crop and directs it to the separating mechanism. To separate the grain from the straw is the main function of this mechanism. The separating mechanism consists of two parts: the straw walkers and the grain sieves. The grain in separated from the straw by the rising and falling actions of the straw walkers. They are driven by two crankshafts. The grain separated from the straw moves through the straw walkers and is directed to the grain pan under the concave.

The separating unit is used to sort the grain and chaff on the grain pan. This unit consists of two sieves and a fan. The vibrating action of the sieves separates the threshed grain. The fan provides a flow of air to keep sieves clean.

2.    Task 2. Answer the questions. (Письмово)

1. What machines are used to harvest various crops?

2. What operations does the combine harvester do?

3. In what sections can the mechanism of a combine harvester be divided?

 4. What are these sections doing?

 5. What type of a cutter bar is used to cut the crop?

6. What is there at each side of the cutter bar?

7.  What does the threshing mechanism consist of?

8. What is used to lift the crop to the front beater?

9. Where does threshing take place?

10. What is the task of the rear beater?

11. What does the separating mechanism consist of?

 12. What is the main function of this mechanism?

13. What is used to sort the grain and chaff on the grain pan?

 14. What does the separating unit consist of?

 15. What does the fan provide?

16. Where is the harvested grain directed?

17. What is used to deliver the threshed grain from the grain tank into a trailer?

Task 3.  Match tha words in column A with the appropriate words in column B:

A.   mechanism                                                                            B. front

drum                                                                                          combine

grain                                                                                          tank

bar                                                                                             rotating

beater                                                                                         threshing

harvester                                                                                    threshed

capacity;                                                                                    concave

Тема: Harrows


a harrow                                                                           борона

a destruction                                                                     знищення

weeds                                                                               бур’яни

rigid tines                                                                         жорсткі зубці

to consolidate                                                                   ущільнювати

bearing                                                                             підшипник

an angle                                                                            кут

1. Read and translate the text

  Harrows are used for various purposes such as the preparation of seedbeds, the covering of seeds, the destruction of weeds and the aeration of soil. Many types and sizes are in use today. The most common type is that with a zigzag frame and rigid tines.

   Seed harrows are light implements with closely fitted tines, about 4 in (100 mm) long. They are used for the final preparation of seedbeds and for covering seeds after the drill2. They are mounted on small tractors.

   Medium tractor harrows have various functions: the preparation of seedbeds, mixing of fertilizers3 with soil and spring cultivation of autumn sown corn. The wider the implement, the more important it is to have good arrangements for transport. Mounted implements up to 8 m wide may be used with tractors of 40–50 kw. Heavier and wider harrows for use with tractors of about 75 km may be semi-mounted. One type provides for lifting of the harrow sections to a wheeled frame, the wings of which can be manually rolled 5 behind the centre sections.

  Disc harrows cut and consolidate the soil. Two or more sets of discs are fitted on a frame which may be mounted or semi mounted. Some heavy discs are trailed and have hydraulically operated transport wheels. Disc diameter varies from 30 to 75 cm. Discs are supported by bearings. Disc harrows working widths vary from 1.5 to 6 m.

 Adjustments of disc angle. A hand-operated lever on the harrow is used to vary the cutting angle of the discs. Discs being fitted at the widest angle, the soil movement will be the greatest. When discs are set straight6, they will not move the soil very much and have a consolidating effect.

2.  Translate the following words and word-combination:

a) плуг, обертовий  плуг, грунт, борозна, рама, прикріпляти, зубець, меліорація, корпус плуга, леміш, глибокий, глибина, широкий, ширина, полиця (у плузі), коренеплоди;

b) the number of mould boards; semi-mounted and trailed models; in place of the mould boards; the soil slice; both righthanded and reversible types; disc coulter; used for deep ploughing; digger bodies.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What are the harrows used for?

2. What is the most common type of a harrow?

3. What do we use seed harrows for?

4. What are the functions of  medium tractor harrows?

5. What is the purpose for using disc harrows?

Тема:  Ploughs


a plough                                                                         плуг

an implement                                                                  знаряддя

a seedbed                                                                       грунт для посіву

mould-boards                                                                 полиця плугу

semi-mounted                                                               напівнавісний

reversible                                                                      оборотний

to rotate                                                                          обертати

a coulter                                                                         різак, сошник


1.    Read and translate the text

There are various forms of the plough. The plough is an implement used for soil cultivation. It has become the implement used for soil preparation. The plough has been used for many centuries. It has been used for preparation of seedbeds.

A plough is an implement with one or more mould-boards. Mould boards cut the soil. Mould boards cut and turn the soil. They cut soil slices. They cut furrow slices.

Both mounted and semi-mounted types of ploughs are being produced. A semi-mounted plough is not lifted off the ground. The number of mould boards is not the same on different ploughs. It depends on the type of soil and the tractor size.

There are three types of ploughs, conventional plough being one of them. Some trailed models of conventional ploughs are in common use. Most reversible ploughs are mounted, but some of the larger models are semi-mounted.

Disc ploughs have large rotating discs. The plough may have a disc coulter. The plough has a body. It also has legs. The plough body is attached to legs. Legs are bolted to the frame. The base of a plough body is called the frog. The share cuts the bottom of the furrow slice.

There are many types of mould boards, each producing its special surface.

There are three main types of a plough. The main types of plough body are general-purpose type and digger type. The digger type is used for deep ploughing. It is used in soil preparation for root crops. Digger bodies have a higher power requirement than the general-purpose type.

The plough has been used in its different forms for many centuries. It has become the main implement used for the preparation of seedbeds.

A plough is an implement with one or more mould-boards which cut and turn the soil. Modern ploughs are commonly fully mounted on the tractor hydraulic system. Some are semi-mounted with the front supported by the tractor hydraulic linkage and the rear by one or more wheels.

2.    Define the suffixes:

a) adjustable, movable, usable, comfortable, replaceable, measurable, attachable;

b) reversible, possible, flexible, visible, compressible.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What is plough?

2. What are the mould boards used for?

3. What is the reason for using different mould boards?

4. Describe the structure of the plough.

15. 10. 2020

Тема: Tractors

1.    Read and translate the text.

The tractor can pull machines. It can drive machines by means of a belt. The tractor supplies power to machines from the power-takeoff shaft.

The power is measured. It is measured by kilowatts or horse powers.

Tractors are classified according to the power. Tractors are classified according to the power produced. Crawlers are used for heavy operations. Crawlers or track laying tractors must be used for heavy operations. Large crawlers must be used for heavy operations.

Crawlers have tracks. Tracks have a grip. Tracks have the grip on the ground. Tracks increase the grip of the tractor on the ground. The crawlers are able to push or pull heavy loads and machines. The tractors may have tires. The tires can be placed farther apart. The tires can be placed closer or farther apart according to the distance between the rows. We are able to place tires closer or farther apart according to the distance between the rows that must be cultivated. Wheeled tractors may have implements and machines on them. Implements are mounted on the tractor. This is done by the three-point linkage. There are tractors with diesel or gasoline engines. The diesel engine will use less fuel than the gasoline engine for the same work done. The fuel should be clean. The oil must be changed regularly. It is necessary to change the oil regularly. It is necessary to change the oil regularly because it provides tractor' s useful work.

1.    Answer the questions.

1.    How are tractors classified?

2.  What can crawlers do?

3.    What engines are used for tractors?

4.    What are the main demands for the tractor fuel?

1.    Fill in the gaps with proper words and word-combinations:

1. The tractor can supply power to the machines from the ... (power-take-off shaft, belt pulley, three-point linkage).

2. The tyres can be placed closer or farther apart... (according to, by means of) distance between the rows.

3. The crawlers are usually ... (small, large, various).

4. The tractor can ... (increase, pull, do) machines.

5. The crawlers are able to ... (produce, push, drive) heavy loads.

6. Implements are mounted on the tractor by means of ... (a belt pulley, tyres, three-point linkage).

7. The fuel should be ... (heavy, clean) and have no water.

24. 04. 2020 

Feeding dairy cows
rations                          раціон
to consider                     враховувати, вважати         
carbohydrates                вуглеводи
sufficient                       достатній
cattleman                       скотар
thus                                таким чином

 Read and translate the text.
In preparing rations for milking cows many factors should be considered. Rations are to provide carbohydrates in a readily available form, have proper amount of good quality protein, provide sufficient fat and mineral substances and contain the necessary vitamins. To obtain much milk is the aim of every cattleman. That’s why the farmers are to supply their cows with nutritious feeds.
Cows being on good pastures in summer, little or no additional feed is required. If pastures are of low quality, additional roughages and some grain should be fed to most cows.
During winter legume hay is known to be good roughages for dairy cows. Many dairy farmers provide corn silage or grass silage in addition to hay. High yielding cows need some concentrated feeds to produce much milk. One can include high protein feed in the grain mixture for such cows. Roughages of low quality being fed, the proportion of high protein feed should be increased.
A dairy cow is known to require much water, for milk is about 87 per cent water. Three to four gallons are required for each gallon of milk produced by a cow.
Thus, cows being fed properly, all the necessary nutrients will be provided: carbohydrates and fats from grains, proteins from legume hay or protein supplements, minerals from good pasture, and vitamins from a good mixture of feeds.

  Answer the questions.

1. What nutrients should rations provide?
2. What is the aim of every cattleman?
3. Do farmers provide additional feed for cows in winter?
4. Why is water so important for dairy cows?
5. What is the best feed for cows in winter?
6. What are the sources of carbohydrates, protein and minerals?

3. Translate the words and word – combinations.

Грубий корм, білкова добавка, соковитий корм, раціон, непереварювана клітковина, продуктивність, надій молока, потомство, помет, додавати у вазі, свиноматка, вівцематка, виробник.


1.     Make up questions to the following sentences.
1.  Milk is rich in various useful components.
-         What……………………………………………….?

2.  Calcium is very important for the growth of people`s skeleton.
-         What………………………………………………?
3.     Farmers should feed their cows properly.
-         Who……………………………………………….?            
4.     Each farmer wants to obtain high-quality milk.
- What kind…………………………………………

2.    Dictation. Sound and spelling “g”

design, luggage, giant, Gillian, garden, pig, gun, bright, orange, judge, age, page, fog, change, again, ugly, light, large, fridge, George, Gary, bridge, goal, agent, foreign, egg, general, goat, game, bridegroom, huge, eight, garlic, dangerous, wing

Silent “g”

3.     Read and translate the text
         Dairy farming is one of the most important branches of animal husbandry. One reason for the importance of dairying is high nutritive value of milk and dairy products.
         Milk is one of the best sources of calcium, the mineral which is highly important for the growth of skeleton of people and animals. High-quality milk also contains a large amount of phosphorus and iron. Milk is also a good source of vitamins A, D and B1. Different dairy products are obtained by man from milk.

         To have high-quality milk farmers should not only feed their cows properly both in spring and in winter but they should care for the milk properly. Two factors should be controlled when keeping milk: 1) milk should be kept clean 2) it should be kept cool. 

4. Idioms with the words “cow” and “bull”. Match with the definitions 

1.      1.  To have a cow
2.      2.  To take the bull by the horns
3.       3. Until the cows come home
4.       4. Holy cow
5.       5. A cash cow
6.      6.  Like a bull at the gate

1.       a)To express surprise
2.      b) To be incredibly impatient
3.       c)To become angry
4.      d) For a long time
5.       e)The source of income or profit
6.       f)To face the difficulty without avoiding it 


Read and translate the text. 
Feeds are classified into three groups, depending on their fiber content and nutritive value. They are roughages, concentrates and protein supplements.
The primary characteristic of roughages is its high fiber content. Roughages may contain from 25 to 40 per cent fiber. For this reason they are not suitable for hogs but one can give large quantities of roughages to cattle and sheep.
Roughages may be classified according to the method they are fed. They may be succulent or dry. Succulent roughages include silage or pasture grasses, the latter being the most economical source of forage.
The most common forms of dry roughages are hay and straw. Good hay is the one that contains much green leaf. Hay being made from grass in the early flowering stage, its feeding value is higher than that from mature grass.
Oat straw is known to be a valuable feed for beef cattle and dairy cows. Barley straw is sometimes fed to beef animals. It is more digestible than wheat straw. The latter is high indigestible fiber. That’s why it is used for bedding.

 Grammar patterns 

1.    Find in the text verbs used in Passive Voice and write them down in your copybooks. 

Example: are classified,…..

  Match the words with their definitions.
1.     Protein                              a) dry cut grass
2.     Hog                                   b) an organic compound important for every organism
3.     Succulent                          c) a blanket for livestock
4.     Hay                                   d) smth that is juicy
5.     Include                              e) a male of pigs
6.     Classified                          f) divided into separate groups       
7.     Bedding                            h) to be a part of a group   

Rewrite the following sentences using Passive Voice
1.     They classify seeds into 3 groups.
2.     People give large quantities of roughages to cattle and sheep.
3.     Farmers make hay from grass in the early flowering stage.
4.     Roughages include a high level of protein.
5.     Farmers usually use wheat straw for livestock`s bedding.

 Name the English equivalents of the words below.

     Тваринництво, розводити, порода, утримувати, трава, поживний, молочна худоба, м’ясна худоба, м'ясо-молочна худоба, свині, вівці, м'ясо, молоко, фураж, пасовище, сіно, силос, солома, корова, бик, телятко, ягня, порося, корівник, свинарник, доїти, мати моціон, догляд, утримання.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1.     High beef and milk production is obtained by proper care and management as well as by proper feeding and fattening of cattle.
2.     When cattle are kept in cowsheds they are fed with corn, silage, grass silage and high quality hay.
3.     Dairy cows are milked with special machines.
4.     There is always much work to do on the farm.
5.     The farmer has to take great care of the young animals.
6.     Cowsheds, sheep-pens and pigsties are to be kept clean and well ventilated.
7.     Cows, bulls and calves should be provided with clean straw for bedding.

8.     Animals are to take much exercise to be in good breeding condition. 

System of bull management

Read and translate the text in written form.

         The best way of keeping the bull is to have a small separate barn with pasture of one or two acres where he can take exercise. Manger and water supply are to be provided in the barn.
         The bull may also be kept in a box-stall in the barn used or the cows. When the bull is kept in this way, the farmer can feed and care for him together with the cows.
         Under both systems of management the bull should be fed and cared for properly. To provide the bull with legume hay and some grain is necessary in order to keep him in good breeding condition. Silage should not be given to the bull in large amounts.

Feeds for livestock
Learn new words. Make sentences with them.

feeds                             корми                          
fiber                              клітковина                
nutritive                        поживний
roughages                      грубий корм      
concentrates                           концентрати
supplements                           домішки
quantity                        кількість
succulent                       соковитий
digestible                       засвоюваний


Тема: Фермерство
Put questions using the question words in brackets:

1)    The last representative of the wild cattle died at the beginning of the century. (When).
2)    Domesticated cattle belong to the family of Bovid. (What family).
3)    Man domesticated the horse in Central Asia. (Where).
4)    Draft animals practically disappeared. (Why).
5)    Man domesticated animals for three main purposes. (How many).
6)    Man uses cattle mostly for food now.(What … for).
7)    Man gained great experience in improving farm animals.(What experience)
     Translate into English:

1)    Більшість типів ферм виробляють їжу.
2)    Молочні ферми отримують молоко, масло, сир від корів, що пасуться на пасовиськах.
3)    Молочні ферми зазвичай розташовані недалеко від великих міст, щоб молоко вчасно потрапляло на кухні до людей.

4)    Розвиток сільського господарства залежить від цілеспрямованості молодих спеціалістів.

Modern farm

intimate                                                              близько, тісно
to insulate                                                           захищати, ізолювати
to homogenize                                                    гомонізувати
cleanliness                                                          чистота
weed killers                                                                  бур’ян
transponder                                                                 ретранслятор
1. Read and translate the text
Dwaine is a businessman. The name of his business is Wilson creek Farm. He has forty-five dairy cows. Dwaine knows each of his cows intimately – how much milk she gives, when she is going to have her next calf, and whether she is bossy or obedient.
         Dwaine manages his herd to get the most milk he can while keeping his cows healthy. He has many farming consultants to give him advice.
         Dwaine milks his forty-five cows twice a day with an electric milkier. The milk never touches the air in the barn. It is drawn through glass pipes into a large refrigerated tank in the milk house. Every other day, a tractor trailer comes to pick up the milk and take it to the Livestock processing plant. It carries the milk in a large tank insulated like a
thermos so the milk stays cold.
         At the processing plant, the milk is pasteurized, homogenized and packaged, then sent on its way to you.
         Each of Dwaine’s cows gives about fifty to sixty pounds of milk a day. Dwaine needs to know when a cow will give birth, because that affects milk production. A cow produces the most milk about four months after giving birth. Then she produces less and less until the milk stops six weeks or so before her next calf is born. A cow can live to be ten years old and may have seven or eight calves in her lifetime.
         Cleanliness is important to Dwaine. An inspector makes surprise visiting to the farm to see if the barn and milk house are really clean. He leaves Dwaine’s ―report card: to tell him what looks good and what should be improved. Dwaine was very happy with the 94 percent he got on a recent inspection.
         Besides sanitary surroundings, it takes good, clean feed to make good, clean milk. Dwaine raises corn and alfalfa hay for his herd to eat. A crop consultant helps Dwaine to reduce his use of artificial fertilizer and insect and weed killers.
         But clean, healthful crops won't do Dwaine's cows much good if they don't eat them in the proper amounts. Cows that give lots of milk need additional high-protein grain, such as corn or soybean meal.
         A nutritionist tests the cows' feed to be sure it contains the right nutrients. If it doesn't, more vitamins and minerals are added. A computer helps Dwaine feed his heard. Each of his cows wears an electronic device called a transponder on a chain around her neck. Dwaine programs into the computer how many pounds of grain each cow needs. Once a day the computer gives Dwaine a printout that tells him how much feed each cow ate. This is important to know, because if a cow is getting sick, she doesn't eat much. Then Dwaine makes sure she gets the treatment she needs.
         A cow's health is watched more closely than the health of most people. The veterinarian visits Wilson creek Farm monthly to check the herd.
         Even with all the help from consultants and modern equipment, some things on the farm never change. Dwaine still gets up at 5:30 in the morning, 365 days a year, to care for his cows.
1.     Answer the questions
1. How many cows are there in his herd?                                         
2. How often does Dwaine milk his cows?
3. What does Dwaine feed his cows with? Who helps him?
4. What does he use a computer for?
5. How often does the veterinarian visit Dwaine’s cows?

 3. Translate into English:
Молочні корови, норовиста чи покірна, доїти двічі на день, охолоджена цистерна, щоб молоко залишалось холодним, коли корова отелиться, впливати на виробництво молока, раптовий візит, що слід покращити, вирощувати кукурудзу та люцерну, скоротити використання штучних добрив, пестициди та
гербіциди, необхідні поживні речовини, додаткове зерно з високим вмістом білка, ланцюг навколо шиї, сучасне обладнання.
      Use one of the following collective nouns from the word box to express the same:
a school,  a flock,  a herd,  a pack,  a swarm

1. A number of cows or bulls is a ….
2. A number of sheep is a ….
3. A number of flies or other insects is a ….
4. A group of elephants is a ….
5. A number of dogs or wolves is a ….
6. A group of fish is a ….
      5. Would you like to know how to call other animals and birds when they are together? Then match each animal with its collective noun:

1) An army of                                                              a) crows
2) A charm of                                                               b) geese
3) A colony                                                                   c) caterpillars
4) An exaltation of                                                       d) owls
5) A gaggle of                                                               e) finches
6) A mob of                                                                 f) peacocks
7) A murder of                                                             g) whales
8) An ostentation of                                                     h) kangaroos
9) A parliament of                                                       i) penguins
10) A pod of                                                                j) larks

 Farm animals
animal husbandry                              тваринництво                   
breeding                                           вирощування
nutritious                                         поживний
in addition                                       на додачу
skin                                                  шкіра
down and feather                             пір’я та пух
poultry                                             домашня птиця
wool                                                 вовна
raw materials                                   сировина
purpose                                           ціль, мета
cattle                                                худоба
dairy                                                 молочний
beef                                                  м’ясний
draft                                                 тягловий
duel-purpose                                    м'ясо-молочний
sheep                                               вівця, вівці
hog                                                   кабан (свиня)
rapid                                                швидкий
to solve                                            вирішувати
1.     Read and translate the text
Animal husbandry, a branch of agricultural production, includes the breeding of farm animals and their use. Farm animals are highly important source of food for man. They are known to produce highly nutritious products such as milk, meat and eggs. In addition, the skin of animals, down and feather of poultry and wool of sheep are used as raw materials to produce clothing and for many other purposes.
The most important group of farm animals is cattle. There are 4 types of cattle. They are dairy cattle, beef cattle, draft cattle and duel-purpose cattle. Dairy cattle, that is, dairy cows provide milk that may be used in making various dairy products. Beef cattle are the producer of beef. One can raise duel-purpose cattle producing both milk and meat. Draft cattle and horses are almost everywhere replaced by agricultural machinery.  
Important source in producing human food are sheep and hogs. Sheep are raised for 2 purposes: wool and mutton production. The production circle of hogs is much shorter than that of cattle or sheep. In other words unlike the other farm animals hogs are rapid growing ones. They may be fattened in less than 6 months. That is why hog breeding is one of the most important and economic ways of solving the problem of supplying the population with meat.
1.     Answer the questions
1.     What is animal husbandry?
2.     Why are farm animals so important for man?
3.      What raw materials do farm animals supply industry with?
4.     What is the most important group of farm animals?
5.     What are the 4 types of cattle?
6.     What are sheep raised for?
7.     Why is the hog breeding the most economic way of producing meat?

Check your skills  (пройдіть тест)


1.     Change the words in brackets into their English equivalents.

1.    Milk produced by this (корова) is of high quality. 2. Farm breeding sheep produce (баранина) and (вовна). 3. Both milk and meat are produced by (м'ясо-молочні корови). 4. Poultry supply us with meat, eggs, (пір’я) and (пух). 5. About 6 months is usually required to (відгодовувати) a pig.

Learn new words
Care and management of farm animals
to take care of                                                     піклуватися про
livestock                                                              худоба
barn                                                                    сарай
unfavorable                                                          несприятливий
lamb                                                                    ягня
calf                                                                      телятко       
proper                                                                 належний
cowshed                                                              корівник
sheep- pen                                                           вівчарня
pigsty                                                                   свинарник
humidity                                                             вологість
responsive                                                           чутливий
profit                                                                   користь, вигода
bedding                                                               підстилка
straw                                                                   солома
pasture                                                            пасовище

Read and translate the text.

         A lot of work has to be done by a farmer in caring for his livestock and their products. Barns and other buildings are to be provided in order to protect the animals from unfavorable weather conditions. Young animals – lambs, calves and pigs are known to require special care and protection. During the first days after birth animals are weak and may die if proper care is not provided.

         At present separate buildings are usually provided for each kind of livestock such as cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry. Cowsheds, sheep- pens, pigsties and poultry houses should be comfortable for livestock and workers who take care of the animals. Much attention is now paid to lightning, ventilation, temperature, and humidity in animal buildings. Very often farmers keep bulls in separate barns.

         Probably no farm animal is more responsive to good care than is the dairy cow. Regularity in feeding and milking and kindness result in more milk and greater profits. Dairy cows are to be provided with plenty of bedding, such as clean dry straw in the barns where they are kept. When not on pasture cows should take exercise to be in good breeding condition. 

     Answer the questions.

1.     Should farmers care for animal products?
2.     Why are animals kept in buildings?
3.     Why do farmers provide special care for young animals?
4.     What farm buildings do you know?
5.     What conditions are provided in animal buildings?
6.     When should cows take much exercise?

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