Тема: Summing up on the topic "The world of professions" . Підсумковий урок по темі "Світ професій"
Do the test - виконайте тест за посиланням
Jobs and professions
Тема:The best job in the world
Task 1. Listen carefully and do the tasks after it (прослухайте уважно та виконайте завдання після аудіювання)
Task 2. After listening tasks fill in the gaps (заповніть пропуски)
Task 3. Do the interactive task (виконайте інтерактивне завдання- перейдіть за посиланням)
Тема: Choosing a career
Task 1. Read the text and do all the tasks after it. ( Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання після нього- Письмово)
Тема: Your choice of profession
Task 1. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word (заповніть пропуски відповідним словом)
Tailor |
0. I ‘m going to the ……florist………….’s to get some flowers for my girlfriend’s birthday.
11. All …………………s for the job must fill in the correct form.
12. The …………………. took his sheep up to the mountain.
13. She got a …………………… to mend the leaking pipe.
14. The ……………………….. broke into our house while we were away.
16. Most …………………s dream of leading their party one day.
17. I asked the .................... to make the sleeves a bit shorter.
18. My uncle works as a ............., he unloads cargo ships in the port.
19. The .................. welcomed them to his church.
20. After he came out of prison, he had to report to his ……………… .
Task 2. Divide the following words into 2 columns (розподіліть наступні слова на 2 колонки)
promotion, work experience, medical insurance, vacation, references, salary, lisence, bonus, well to speak, being hardworking, discount on goods, creativity, training courses, dental insurance, dress
Most Important Benefits | Most Important Qualifications |
Тема: Prepositions of place. Прийменники місця.
Task 1. A little bit GRAMMAR
- fill in the gaps with an appropriate preposition
(заповніть пропуски відповідним прийменником)
Тема: Types of educational establishments in Ukraine. Типи навчальних закладів в Україні.
Task 1. Write down the new vocabulary with translation . Запишіть нову лексику з перекладом.
nursery school ( kindergarten) - дитячий садок |
primary ( elementary) school- початкова школа |
secondary school- середня школа |
state( public) school- державна школа |
private school - приватна школв |
boarding school- школа- інтернат |
technical college- технікум |
vocational college- училище Lyceum- ліцей Gymnasium - гімназія Institute- інститут University - університет Academy - академія Task 2. Do the interactive task . Виконайте інтерактивне завдання ,перейдіть за посиланням. https://learningapps.org/4048546 |
Education plays a very important role in our life. It may reveal our abilities and help to choose the right occupation in life. It also influences the formation of the personality. We often remember our teachers for decades.
The system of education in Ukraine includes secondary and higher education. The system of secondary education in Ukraine includes primary junior and senior secondary forms. Children usually start to go to school at the age of 6 or 7. Primary forms are 1—4 forms. Junior secondary forms are 5—9 forms. After the 9th form children may enter technical schools or colleges of different types. After the 11—12 forms children may enter higher educational institutions. Those who graduate from a technical school or a college may also study further at a higher educational institution.
The system of higher education includes universities, academies, institutes and conservatories. They usually offer a five-year course of study. Nowadays a new system of training is introduced: Bachelor of Arts — B. A. and Master of Arts — M. A. When students receive their diploma, they may study further. Post-graduate education and scientific research work are not very popular now among young people. But in some fields of science there are outstanding research papers and discoveries.
Task2. Make 5 questions to the text. (Схему записати в зошит. Складіть 5 питань до тексту. Письмово!)1)read stories and poems 2) make different things 3) draw pictures 4) speak English 5) run, jump and ski 6) learn things about nature 7) sing songs 8) learn Russian and write exercises 9) study numbers, count 3. Do the Interactive TEST "School subjects" Виконуємо он- лайн тест -перейдіть за посиланням!! | English P.E. Reading Handicraft Maths Russian Art Nature Study Music |
Task 1. Complete the text with the appropriate words.
Тема: Voting in Ukraine. Lexical exercises
3. Task Work with PRESENTATION
Тема: International organizations.
United Nation.Міжнародні організації. ООН.
Task 1. Select the appropriate acronyms from the list to fill in the blanks (запишіть абривіатури-назви міжнародних організацій відповідно до їх опису)- ПИСЬМОВО!!!
- The United Nations : _______
- The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.: ____________
- The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund : _______
- Food and Agriculture Organization : _______
- World Health Organization : _______
- International Labor Organization : _______
- Amnesty International : _______
- Doctors Without Frontiers : _______
- The World Bank : _______
- World Trade Organization : _______
- North Atlantic Organization : _______
- UN High commissioner for Refugees : _______
- The International Monetary Fund : _______
Task 2.Read and translate the text - читати , перекладати текст (УСНО!!!!!) Виконайте тест -перейдіть за посиланням!
The United Nations is an international organisation of countries. It was created for many reasons:
• There should be peace and security in the world after the Second World War.
• Countries should be friendly to each other.
• Countries should help each other solve problems.
• Human rights should be respected everywhere in the world.
After the Second World War the allied countries got together to discuss in which ways such an organization could be created. In 1945 50 countries got together in San Francisco and signed an agreement that created the United Nations. The United States invited the new UN to set up its headquarters in New York. The building was finished in 1952 and has been the permanent seat of the UN until today.
The main parts of the UN
There are 5 main parts in this organization:
• The General Assembly
• The Security Council
• The Economic and Social Council
• The International Court of Justice
• The Secretariat
All countries get together in the General Assembly. It normally meets once a year, but it doesn't have any real power. It discusses problems and recommends ways to solve them. In the General Assembly each country has one vote.
The Security Council is the main body of the UN. It gets together almost every day and it has the most power. Member countries must do what the Security Council decides. There are 15 members in this council – five of them are permanent: The United States, Russia, China, France and Great Britain. These countries have a right to veto anything. The other 10 members change all the time. They stay in the Security Council for 2 years.
The Security Council makes very important decisions and all the countries have to obey them. It tries to keep peace in the world and also tries to solve conflicts that endanger world peace. It also sends peacekeepers to countries where there is trouble.
The World Court makes decisions when two countries argue about something. It has independent judges that are elected by the UN.
The Secretary General has a lot of power in the UN. He is the highest official and is elected for five years by the General Assembly. He often travels around the world to settle conflicts between countries.
The United Nations also has many other organisations The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) tries to find out if countries have atomic weapons. Its seat is in Vienna. The World Health Organisation is a UN programme to help control diseases all over the world. UNICEF is an organisation to help children in need in poor countries.
The United Nations needs a lot of money to keep up all of these organisations and programmes. It gets most of its money from the world's rich countries like the United States (about 25%), Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy. A lot of the money is used for peacekeeping missions.
Pl...ce, l...brary, lang...age, dre...s, fl..., wa...ch, cl...ck, cou...try, ...ye, b...s, bus..., p...rty, r...y, thi....f, co...pany, Ne...ro, m...ss, l...af, w...lf, g...ass, k...y, f...x, h...lf, l...fe, d...y, p...ay, fact...ry, c...ty, col...ny, r...of, mo...th, op...ortunity, jou...ney, s...elf, h...ro. Ma..., w...man, to...th, ...oot, g...ose, ch...ld, mo....se. Po...tman, son-in-l...w, editor-in-ch...ef, f...sherman, sc...oolgirl, s...sterin-law, text-b...ok, pocketkn...fe, pas...erby, st...tesman.
Вправа 2. Розташуйте іменники за алфавітом.
Wool, air, airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper, hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass, hero, sand, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, obligation, machine, equipment, instrument, speed, umbrella.
Вправа 3. Виправте літери в словах.
1. The naw clob of the workurs. 2. The poims of Lermontov. 3. The clothys of the bois. 4. The wolls of the ruum. 5. The ploys of Shakespeare. 6. The vaice of his sester. 7. The arders of the Commander-in-Chief. 8. The paqes of the book. 9. The wotch of me friend Peter. 10. The birthday of my daughter Helen. 11. The parents of all the other boys. 12. The boats of the fishermen. 13. The opynion of the luwyer. 14. The signatyre of Mr. Brown. 15. The effer of the seller. 16. The canclysions of the expirt. 17. The hause of my father-in-low.
Вправа 4. Утворіть форми множини іменників.
Place, library, language, dress, fly, watch, clock, country, eye, bus, bush,
party, ray, thief, company, Negro, mass, leaf, wolf, glass, key, fox, half, life,
day, play, factory, city, colony, roof, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero.
Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse.
Postman, son-in-law, editor-in-chief, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister-in-law,
text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by, statesman.
Вправа 5. Утворіть форми присвійного відмінку іменників.
1. The new club of the workers.
2. The poems of Lermontov.
3. The clothes of the boys.
4. The walls of the room.
5. The plays of Shakespeare.
6. The voice of his sister.
7. The orders of the Commander-in-Chief.
8. The pages of the book.
9. The watch of my friend Peter.
10. The birthday of my daughter Helen.
11. The parents of all the other boys.
12. The boats of the fishermen.
Check your knowledge
1. One red fruit, three yellow fruit and two green fruit?
2. Three kinds of food which are made from milk?
3. Five things people eat between meals?
Fresh home-made sweet frozen
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