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Modern farm
3. Translate into English:
Молочні корови, норовиста чи
покірна, доїти двічі на день, охолоджена цистерна, щоб молоко залишалось
холодним, коли корова отелиться, впливати на виробництво молока, раптовий
візит, що слід покращити, вирощувати кукурудзу та люцерну, скоротити
використання штучних добрив, пестициди та
гербіциди, необхідні поживні
речовини, додаткове зерно з високим вмістом білка, ланцюг навколо шиї, сучасне
1. 4. Match the
following English words with their definition:
farm 2)dairy 3)to
milk 4)
tank 5)trailer 6)barn 7)herd 8)equipment |
covered building for keeping animals b)
container for liquid or gas c)
area of land and buildings for growing crops, raising animals etc. d)
raised to produce milk e)
number of animals (esp. cattle) feeding or going about together f)
things needed for a particular purpose g)
draw milk from the cow h)
transport vehicle pulled by a tractor |
2. 5. Use one of the
following collective nouns from the word box to express the same:
a school, a flock, a herd, a pack, a swarm |
1. A number of
cows or bulls is a ….
2. A number of
sheep is a ….
3. A number of
flies or other insects is a ….
4. A group of
elephants is a ….
5. A number of
dogs or wolves is a ….
6. A group of fish
is a ….
6. Would
you like to know how to call other animals and birds when they are together?
Then match each animal with its collective noun:
2) A charm of b)
3) A colony c)
4) An exaltation of d)
5) A gaggle of e)
6) A mob of f)
7) A murder of g)
8) An ostentation of h)
9) A parliament of i)
10) A pod of j)
Modern farm
intimate близько, тісно
to homogenize гомонізувати
cleanliness чистота
weed killers бур’ян
transponder ретранслятор
is a businessman. The name of his business is Wilson creek Farm. He has
forty-five dairy cows. Dwaine knows each of his cows intimately – how much milk
she gives, when she is going to have her next calf, and whether she is bossy or
Dwaine manages his herd to get the most
milk he can while keeping his cows healthy. He has many farming consultants to
give him advice.
Dwaine milks his forty-five cows twice a day with an electric milkier. The milk never touches the air in the barn. It is drawn through glass pipes into a large refrigerated tank in the milk house. Every other day, a tractor trailer comes to pick up the milk and take it to the Livestock processing plant. It carries the milk in a large tank insulated like a thermos so the milk stays cold.
At the processing plant, the milk is
pasteurized, homogenized and packaged, then sent on its way to you.
Each of Dwaine’s cows gives about fifty
to sixty pounds of milk a day. Dwaine needs to know when a cow will give birth,
because that affects milk production. A cow produces the most milk about four
months after giving birth. Then she produces less and less until the milk stops
six weeks or so before her next calf is born. A cow can live to be ten years
old and may have seven or eight calves in her lifetime.
Cleanliness is important to Dwaine. An
inspector makes surprise visiting to the farm to see if the barn and milk house
are really clean. He leaves Dwaine’s ―report card: to tell him what looks good
and what should be improved. Dwaine was very happy with the 94 percent he got
on a recent inspection.
Besides sanitary surroundings, it takes
good, clean feed to make good, clean milk. Dwaine raises corn and alfalfa hay
for his herd to eat. A crop consultant helps Dwaine to reduce his use of artificial
fertilizer and insect and weed killers.
But clean, healthful crops won't do
Dwaine's cows much good if they don't eat them in the proper amounts. Cows that
give lots of milk need additional high-protein grain, such as corn or soybean meal.
A nutritionist tests the cows' feed to
be sure it contains the right nutrients. If it doesn't, more vitamins and
minerals are added. A computer helps Dwaine feed his heard. Each of his cows
wears an electronic device called a transponder on a chain around her neck.
Dwaine programs into the computer how many pounds of grain each cow needs. Once
a day the computer gives Dwaine a printout that tells him how much feed each
cow ate. This is important to know, because if a cow is getting sick, she
doesn't eat much. Then Dwaine makes sure she gets the treatment she needs.
A cow's health is watched more closely
than the health of most people. The veterinarian visits Wilson creek Farm
monthly to check the herd.
1. Answer the
1. How many
cows are there in his herd?
2. How often does
Dwaine milk his cows?
3. What does
Dwaine feed his cows with? Who helps him?
4. What does he
use a computer for?
5. How often does
the veterinarian visit Dwaine’s cows?
4. Match the words in the left column
with their definitions in the right one:
1) livestock |
using (Land) for growing crops , raising animals |
trap |
group of animals or plants having similar characteristics |
species |
farm animals kept for use or profit |
hunting |
the art or practice of farming |
farming |
device for catching animals |
6) agriculture |
going after (wild animals) for food or for sport |
5. Fill in the
gaps with the words given in the box:
hunting, settled, permanent, houses, sources of food, wandering life, clay ports,
wild plants and seeds, to grow
Learning to farm
For some of the first Americans, the end of the Ice Age
meant the end of a life based on 1) __________. After thousands of years, the big animals disappeared. Now
people had to find new 2)
Gradually they learned to gather and cook 3) __________. Some of them learned how 4) _____ their favorite plants.
As farmers learned to grow more food, they gave up 5) ______ of the gatherer They 6) _______ in villages near their fields and built 7) __________. Once settled, they began to make 8) ________ that were too heavy for them to carry when
they wandered from place to place.
6. Put questions using the question words in brackets:
1) The last
representative of the wild cattle died at the beginning of the century. (When).
2) Domesticated
cattle belong to the family of Bovid. (What family).
3) Man domesticated
the horse in Central Asia. (Where).
4) Draft animals
practically disappeared. (Why).
5) Man domesticated
animals for three main purposes. (How many).
6) Man uses cattle
mostly for food now.(What … for).
7) Man gained great
experience in improving farm animals.(What experience).
Translate into
Більшість типів ферм виробляють їжу.
Молочні ферми отримують молоко, масло, сир від корів, що пасуться на
Молочні ферми зазвичай розташовані недалеко від великих міст, щоб молоко
вчасно потрапляло на кухні до людей.
Розвиток сільського господарства залежить від цілеспрямованості молодих
The first farmers
perhaps можливо
to pick
to fence
species види
nonhierarchical неієрархічний
to exploit
to prosper процвітати
the most important event in human evolution was the start of farming. About 10,
000 years ago, modern humans stopped picking wild fruits and vegetables and
began to grow their own food. Hunting was also dying out as people began to
breed their own livestock.
What caused this change? Did our genetic ancestors
notice vegetables growing out of animal dung hips and so realize that food could
be planted? Did they realize that their traps for catching animals could be
used to fence off livestock?
Some scientists think that agriculture began when the world’s
climate changed about 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. The climatic change caused a
great change in certain species of plants. New forms of plants began to appear
and people realized that they could be grown.
Whatever caused it, agriculture changed
hunter-gatherer people into farmers. People developed more complicated behavior
and learned to do a wide variety of other things.
But agriculture did cause some problems. The new
farmers soon lost the variety of their diet. Before farming started people
lived on a diet of around 150 species of seed food. About 1000 years later, they
were using only seven or eight species. People’s health declined, but as there
was plenty of food available, the population increased. This made the problem
Farming also had a big effect on people’s social
relationships. Hunter-gatherer societies were nonhierarchical. They did not
have leaders. Farming caused strong hierarchical societies to develop. The
minority could exploit the majority and live off them as parasites.
From this changeover from hunter-gatherer to farmer we
can see the remarkable side of humans – we are able to adapt to changes and
prosper under very different conditions.
1. What do you
think was the most important event in human evolution?
2. When did the
period of farming begin?
3. Why was hunting
dying out?
4. What caused the
development of farming?
5. How did the
climatic change cause the development of agriculture?
6. How did
agriculture change people?
7. What problems
did agriculture cause?
3. Find in
the text English equivalents to the following
Еволюція людства, найважливіша подія, розводити власну худобу, генетичні предки, тримати за огорожею, види рослин, складна поведінка, багато доступної їжі, різноманітність у харчуванні, змінюватися та процвітати.
1. Barley prefers
well-drained soils, light to medium in texture with a high pH. When fertility
is high and weather conditions are favorable high yielding crops of good
quality are obtained. Since the grain yield with barley is likely to be higher
than with oats and due to its better feeding value, it has replaced the
traditional oat crop on many dairy farms in Britain.
2. When barley is grown in the
wetter areas of Britain, it does best when the rainfall is below normal and
when sunshine hours are higher than usual. Low rainfall in April and early May
and cool weather in May is required for high yields. High rainfall in the previous
winter appeared detrimental and warm dry weather was required during ripening.
3. Winter barley is often sown
after early harvested sugar beet on the lighter soils, since seedbeds can often
be easily and quickly prepared for sowing in October and November. Spring barley
may follow almost any other crop. Spring barley is the most commonly chosen
crop since it appears least affected by disease. Barleys are concerned to have
high protein content in phase.
1. Fill in the gaps with
necessary words from the text:
1. Good weather is
... for high yields.
2. The yield of
barley is easily ... by application of fertilizers.
3. The ... from
the previous crop should be turned under.
4. Spring barley
is the most … chosen crop.
5. The depth of
plugging might be… to four inches.
6. The time of
sowing is very….
7. Winter barley
is often sown after early … sugar beet.
1. Read
and translate the text.
Soil Requirements. Successful, maize
cultivation is more frequently and more easily achieved on soils, which are of
medium texture. As the soils become lighter the greater is the chance of their ―drying
out‖ in midsummer. The very light sandy soils should be avoided. The maize land
should be free draining in order that as much of the heat as possible is
employed in raising soil temperatures and not removing excess of soil moisture.
The soil should be naturally free draining to enable a full rooting system to
develop in a plentiful supply of oxygen.
Application of
Fertilizers. It has been suggested that phosphate and potash should be applied to the
land well in advance of drilling and the nitrogen incorporated into the seedbed
just prior to drilling, otherwise much of it would be lost by leaching.
Cultivation. With a more
extensive and deeper rooting system than the other cereals, maize will require
deeper plugging, cultivations and seedbeds to obtain maximum growth. Autumn
plugging is advisable on stronger soils and it may be left until the early
spring when textures are light. Cultivations which follow should be to a depth
of 4-5 inches.
Seeding. Minimum temperatures
for growth of maize are around 50° F (10° C) and thus early spring sowings are
of little value except when the soils are warmer than usual. When the average
t° is over 50° F the emergence of maize will take approximately two weeks. Late
spring frosts can also be damaging to seedling maize.
Sunshine and Solar
Energy. Little is said and written about sunshine and solar energy requirements
with this cereal. It is, however, assumed that for satisfactory growth and
ripening of the crop high levels of bright sunshine are required.
1. Fill in the gaps with necessary words from the
1. When there is
not enough potassium in the soil, we say the soil is ... in potassium.
2. ... is the process
which removes excess of soil moisture.
3. Best yields of
maize are achieved on soils of medium ... and high ....
4. Nitrogen fertilizer
should be... into the soil, otherwise much of it will be lost by ... .
5. Cultivations
and ... help to control... .
6. The average
temperature for the ... of maize is over fifty degrees F.
2. Which statement doesn’t
correspond to the text make necessary changes:
2. They recommend
that maize land should be free draining.
3. It' s necessary
that the students know different varieties.
4. It is not desirable
that maize be planted in warm soil.
5. Chemical means
are seldom used in weed control.
6. To obtain quick
germination the seed-bed must be fine.
3.Silent letters. Underline
the letters which we do not pronounce.
important, which, lighter, warmer, depth, for, growth, two, written, high |
4.Find the synonyms to the
following words in the text. Match the
words in A with B.
2. easily b) to
3. moisture c) often
4. require d)
5. approximately e) simply
6. damaging f) divided
7. to ripe g) humidity
8. allocated h) for about
Soil. The cultivation of oats may take place on a wide range of soil types
with a reasonable degree of success. Oats can be found on all the light to
medium soils in the higher rainfall areas and will give high yielding crops of
good quality. They can also produce good crops on some of the heavier soils,
clay and silts.
Climate. The oat crop is particularly suited to the cooler, more humid climate as
a result the grains have plenty of time to fill out to produce good plump
samples. Oat crops which do not suffer through lack of moisture will produce
high grain yields of good quality and on the average the straw will weigh
slightly more than the grain.
Seedbed Preparation. Oats are said to be the best cereal to follow the
plugging up of grassland. Plugging depths should be 6 inches except where grass
or surface trash need to be buried deeper and then 8–9 inches plough depths may
be required.
Drilling. Optimum drilling depth with oats lies in the region of
1.5-2 in. When seed-beds have an irregular surface tilt, drilling depth becomes
uneven and in order to ensure that all the seed is covered. Drilling in autumn
tends to be at slightly lower depths than in spring on account of the rougher
soil surface. Early spring drilling may also go in deeper than normal in an attempt
to reduce losses through bird activity. The two main advantages of combine
drilling are firstly, the seed and fertilizer go on in one operation and
secondly, it is possible to obtain maximum benefit from the minimum amount of
Harvest. It has been pointed out that for straw to have additional feeding value
the crop should be cut early and this will mean hindering one or two weeks before
full ripeness. Very tall crops may be cut earlier than usual to make the
harvesting easier and to avoid risks of late lodging. Some people suppose the
best time to cut a good standing crop of oats is a few days before it is fully
Windrow Harvesting. Oats have been said to shatter more easily, high
winds (when the crop is ripe) resulting in extensive loss of grain. It is a
two-stage harvesting technique designed to allow the crop to be cut earlier
than with direct combining. The first operation involves cutting the crop with
a windrower to lay it evenly on high stubble, well off the ground. A combine
harvester fitted with a pick-up attachment several days later when the straw
and grain have dried out gathers this windrow.
Combine Harvesting. The advantages of combining the crop lie firstly in
the speed at which the operation can be carried out. Secondly grain losses can
be kept to a minimum and thirdly it is possible to save lodged crops which
would be extremely difficult by any other means. The grain should be left to
dry out as far as possible in the field to reduce artificial drying costs, but
not at the expense of grain losses.
produce good yields on all kinds of soil.
usual depth of plugging oat land is 9 inches.
grow better in hot climates.
in autumn is lower than in spring.
tall crops are cut later than usual.
harvesting is decreasing.
2. Match
a question with a short answer.
medium soils?
the oat crop particularly suited to the cooler, b) No, they won’t.
less humid climate?
the straw weigh slightly more c) No, it isn’t.
than the grain?
oat crops which suffer through lack of d) Yes, it does.
moisture produce high grain
the crop be cut early to have additional e)
Yes, it can.
feeding value?
drilling in spring tends to be at slightly f)
No, it doesn’t.
lower depths than in autumn?
3. Which
is the correct expression?
1. To grow well oats need much/many rainfall.
2. The grains have many/plenty
of time to fill out to produce good plump samples.
3. The best time to cut a good standing crop of oats is a little/a few days before it is fully
4. They can also produce good crops on some/any of the heavier soils, clay and
5. There are many/much
advantages of gathering crops by a combine.
6. The grain should be left for a few/a little time to dry out.
4. Find
the definition of the following idioms with the word “oat”.
1. to feel one`s oats a) to lose one`s
2. to smell one's oats b) sown oats
3. to be off one's oats c) to be lively and
4. cultivated oat d) to extend
oneself (reaching the aim )
Cereal or grain crops
grass family сімейство
valuable цінний
temperate zone помірна
to be seeded сіятися
to be considered вважатися
relatively відносно
moderately помірно
mellow м’який
moisture вологість
1. Read
and translate the text.
are those members of the grass family which produce edible seed. Wheat, barley,
rye, oats, corn and rice are known to be the most common and most valuable
cereals. The cereals grown in the temperate zone are known as small grains.
They are wheat, barley, oats and rye. They are to be seeded in spring or early
summer and mature in the fall.
Of the cereals raised wheat, rice and corn are the world
three most important grain crops. Although rice is the main food of more
people, wheat is the first in importance as to the area sown and the total
annual production.
There are some reasons why cereals are considered to be the
men’s leading food source. They produce food in a relatively short period of
time, for they are annuals. In addition, they are adapted well to different
soil and climatic conditions. Cultural practices required in growing grain
crops are quite similar. Grain is easily drilled, harvested, cleaned and
stored. All these operations are known to be highly mechanized.
For cereals to grow well they are to be grown on moderately
fine and mellow seedbed supplied with enough moisture.
Though cereals do not supply much protein and vitamins,
they are believed to remain a major source of food for people.
2. Answer the questions
the biological function of cereals.
do we suppose under the term “small grains”?
are the three most important grain crops?
are cereals the main food for people?
cultural practices are highly mechanized in growing cereals?
seedbed do cereals require?
3. Divide the following words
into three columns according to the usage of the suffix – er.
Grower, winter, warmer, planter, finer, other, roller,
producer, water, colder, flower, proper, fertilizer, member.
(man or machine) |
(comparative) |
The part of the
word |
1. Translate
the sentences into English.
Зернові вважаються
провідним ресурсом їжі для людей.
Достатня вологість та
м’який грунт важливі для отримання хорошого врожаю.
Більшість фермерських
операцій механізовані.
5. Зернові не забезпечують організм людини достатньою кількістю білків та вітамінів.
of field crops
cultivated crops культури, що просапуються
wheat пшениця
barley ячмінь
rye жито
oats овес
rice рис
legumes бобові
bean квасоля (бобові)
hay сіно
silage силос
annual однорічний
biennial дворічний
cereal crop зернова (хлібна) культура
cultivate обробляти, культивувати
forage crop фуражна (кормова) культура
season вегетаційний період )
pasture пасовище
perennial багаторічний
duration тривалість
edible їстівний
soybean соя
1. Read and translate the
Crops are variously grouped and classified. They may be classified as cultivated crops such as
potatoes and corn or as non-cultivated crops such as wheat or barley.
Crops may also be grouped
according to the duration of their growth. Annual crops complete their life
cycle in one growing season. Biennials require two seasons to produce seed.
Perennials grow for more than two seasons, producing seed each year.
According to their use field
crops may be classified into many groups. The most important of them are:
or Grain Crops. A cereal is a grass grown for its edible grain. Wheat, corn,
rye, barley, oats and rice are to be mentioned as the most important grain
2) Legumes for Seed. The principal legumes grown for seed
are field peas, field beans and soybeans. Sometimes the aim of growing them is
to improve soil fertility because they are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen
through the bacteria living on their roots.
3) Forage crops. These are the crops used as feed for
farm animals in the form of pasture, hay or silage. Most of them are perennials.
4) Root crops. Unlike cereals root crops are grown
because of the food value of their roots. There are many root crops grown by
man. they are sugar beets, carrots, radishes and others. They are biennials.
5) Tuber crops. The most important tuber crop cultivated
throughout the world is potato. Like root crops they are biennials but people
grow them as annuals.
2. Answer
the questions
is a biennial crop?
how many years does alfalfa grow?
perennial crops produce seeds each season?
do legumes increase soil fertility?
root crops do you know?
potato a biennial crop?
3. Fill
the chart according to the text.
Grain crops |
Legumes |
Tuber crops |
Forage crops |
Root crops |
4. Complete
the following sentences with necessary information from the text.
crops are grown during one season. They are…
providing grain are known as…
fertility is increased by growing …
feeds for cattle are hay and…
summer cattle should be kept on…
crops grow for many seasons; they are…
plant, its parts and their functions
ground portion надземна
(pl leaves) листок
бобові рослини
seed насіння, плід
beet цукровий
tap стрижневий
проводити, переміщувати
conditions умови
weak слабкий
are highly important source of food for man and farm animals. They also supply
people with clothing, shelter and many other things as well.
obtain high yields of farm crops it is necessary to study the principal parts
of the plant and their functions.
principal parts of a plant are the root system and the above ground portion
consisting of stems, leaves, flowers and seeds.
root performs two main functions. It absorbs plant nutrients as well as water
from the soil and anchors the plant. There are two types of roots: fibrous
roots and tap roots. All grain crops have fibrous roots, while tap roots are
typical of legumes and root crops. Alfalfa and sugar beets are examples of
crops having tap roots.
to stems and leaves they are usually above the ground. To support leaves and to
conduct water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves are the main functions
of the stem. The food used by green plants is produced in the leaves through
the process known as photosynthesis.
flower is the part of the plant where seeds are produced. Thus, to produce
seeds the plan must have flowers.
All parts of a plant must be developed well in order to function properly. If conditions for plant growth are not favourable the plant will be weak to develop its parts well.
Task2. Name the parts of the plant
1. What do roots absorb from the soil?
2. Which crops have fibrous roots?
3. Have legumes fibrous roots?
4. What are the functions of the stem?
5. Where are seeds produced?
6. Why must all parts of a plant be developed well?
Task4. Guess the name of the plant and choose which part of them we eat.
Roots |
Stem |
Leaves |
Seed |
Flower |
Тема: Summimg-up on the topic Farming. Animal breeding.
Підсумковий урок по темі Фермерство. Тваринництво.
Do the Final test Виконайте підсумкову роботу
I task Translate into English
Більшість типів ферм виробляють їжу. Молочні ферми отримують молоко, масло, сир від корів, що пасуться на пасовиськах. Молочні ферми зазвичай розташовані недалеко від великих міст, щоб молоко вчасно потрапляло на кухні до людей.
II Match the following English words with their definition:
1) farm 2)dairy 3)to milk 4) tank 5)trailer 6)barn 7)herd 8)equipment | a) covered building for keeping animals b) container for liquid or gas c) area of land and buildings for growing crops, raising animals etc d) raised to produce milk e) number of animals (esp. cattle) feeding or going about together f) things needed for a particular purpose g) draw milk from the cow h) transport vehicle pulled by a tractor |
III Answer the following questions
1. Name some houses for the cattle.
2. What are the two ways of keeping bulls?
3. Why do people keep farm animals?
1. Часи групи Continuous вживаються для вираження дії як процесу, тобто дії, що триває в момент мовлення або в теперішній період часу (the Present Continuous), тривала в якийсь момент або період часу в минулому (the Past Continuous), триватиме у певний момент або період часу в майбутньому (the Future Continuous).
The Present Continuous Tense
The Continuous Tenses утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be у відповідній часовій формі (Present, Past, Future) та дієприкметника теперішнього часу (Present Participle) основного дієслова.
Present Participle утворюється додаванням закінчення -ing до інфінітива основного дієслова без частки to.
Дієслова, що закінчуються в інфінітиві на -e, втрачають його перед -ing:
to give — giving
to make — making
У дієсловах, що закінчуються в інфінітиві на приголосний з попереднім коротким наголошеним голосним, перед закінченням -ing кінцевий приголосний подвоюється:
tu run — running
to sit — sitting
to begin — beginning
Якщо дієслово закінчується буквосполученням -іе, то перед -ing, ie змінюється на y:
to lie — lying
to die — dying
1. The Present Continuous вживається для вираження тривалої дії, що відбувається в момент мовлення. Наявність слів, що позначають момент мовлення (now зараз; at this moment у цей момент), не обов'язкова, оскільки сама форма вказує, що дія відбувається в момент мовлення.
Who is reading a book in that room? — Хто читає книжку в тій кімнаті?
2. The Present Continuous вживається для вираження тривалої дії, що відбувається в теперішній час.
She is writing a new book. — Вона (зараз) пише нову книгу.
3. Для вираження запланованої дії у найближчому майбутньому:
We are going to the theatre tonight. —. Ми йдемо в театр сьогодні ввечері.
4. Для вираження наміру:
I'm going to spend ту holidays in the Crimea. — Я збираюся провести канікули в Криму.
5. У Present Continuous не вживаються дієслова to see, to know, to hear, to feel, to want, to like, to understand та деякі інші.
Утворення і вживання минулого тривалого часу
(The Past Continuous Tense)
1. Форми the Past Continuous утворюються аналогічно до форм the Present Continuous, але допоміжне дієслово to be ставиться у формі the Past Indefinite (was, were).
2. The Past Continuous вживається для вираження дії, що тривала в певний момент у минулому. Цей момент може бути визначений:
а) точним позначенням часу, наприклад, at that moment у той момент; at that time у той час, at 7 o'clock yesterday вчора о 7-й годині:
At 7 o'clock we were listening to the radio. — О сьомій годині ми слухали радіо.
Не was not reading a journal at that moment. — Він не читав журнал у топ час.
б) іншою минулою дією, вираженою у the Past Indefinite:
It was raining when I went out. — Коли я вийшов, ішов дощ.
3. Потрібно чітко розрізняти вживання the Past Continuous і Past Indefinite.
Утворення та вживання майбутньго тривалого часу
(The Future Continuous Tense)
1. Форми the Future Continuous утворюються аналогічно до форм the Present Continuous, але до допоміжного дієслова to be додається will. Цей час вживається не дуже часто.
2. Майбутній тривалий час означає тривалу дію в майбутньому: at five o'clock, at that (this) time, at noon (дія відбуватиметься в певний час у майбутньому):
At this time tomorrow my mother will be waiting for me at the school gate. — Завтра у цей час моя мати буде чекати на мене біля шкільних воріт.
They will be translating the text from two till four. — Вони перекладатимуть текст з другої до четвертої години.
3. У розмовній мові замість shall not і will not вживаються скорочені форми shan't і won't:
I shan't be speaking.
4. Певний момент у майбутньому може позначатися точною вказівкою на час або іншою майбутньою дією:
At 10 o'clock we shall be watching a TV program. — Ми будемо дивитися телевізійну програму о десятій годині.
І shall be working when you come back. — Я буду працювати, коли ти повернешся
Task2. Summ up the information. Do the exercises. (Виконайте вправи)02.11.2020
Тема: Agriculture abroad
Task1Read and translate the text
Agricultural engineering – сільськогосподарська інженерія
science of agriculture – наука сільського господарства
Agricultural engineering can be defined as the application of engineering to agriculture but this definition does not cover all the fields it is connected with. Engineering is, in truth, an integral part of the science of agriculture, the present high position of modern agriculture largely depends on. The development of fertile swamp and overflowed lands, the irrigation of arid regions, the construction of new sources of power has become important factors in the development of agriculture in many countries. The invention of the cotton gin, the steel plow, and the tractor has affected not only agriculture, but also many of the economic and social phases of life.At first progress was slow but with the growth of engineering knowledge more and more engineering achievements found useful application in agriculture. Now agriculture cannot be separated from agricultural engineering.
Task2. Translate the sentences.
1) All plants need some water.
2) We waited for the train some twenty minutes.
3) You can get this book in airy library.
4) I do not find any English book on the shelf.
5) Is there anybody in die room?
Task3.Use the pronoun in proper degree of comparison. Translate the sentences.
l) The (important) thing for the farmer is to get the land into good conditions and to keep it that way.
2) Such land is (much) easily cultivated and provides (good) conditions for plant growth.
3) Cotton regimes (high) temperature for its growth than wheat.
4) The (great) conductivity a substance has, the (little) its resistance.
5) The problem of water supply is expected to be one of the (urgent) problems.
Тема: Agriculture in Ukraine.
Task 1.Read and translate the text (усно).
Agriculture in Ukraine is one of the most important branches of its economy due to variety of climatic and demographic reasons. The agriculturally used areas take 69,1% of Ukrainian territory. More than half of all planted areas consists of cereal crops – wheat, corn (maize), rice, rye, oat, barley, millet, buckwheat. Furthermore, the main specialization field of Ukrainian agriculture is plant production, particular production of industrial and feed crops: sugar beets and sunflowers. Ukraine is the biggest region of essential oil plants production: roses, lavenders, sages etc. Other agricultural fields, such as gardening, vegetable, melon and wine growing are also good developed in Ukraine.
Nowadays agricultural industry is the base of Ukrainian economy and provides 12 % GDP. Also agricultural industry became the greatest source of currency, that flows to our country and provides the stability of Ukrainian hryvnia.
Agribusiness is the most promising branch in Ukraine. The numbers are impressive: five largest agricultural companies of the country (UkrLandFarming, NCH, Kernel Group, MHP and “Ukrainian Agrarian Investments) own the land fund, that is equal to the area of Slovenia.
Ukraine grows 7 times more grain than coffee around the world. But agriculture includes not only grain, milk and meat. Ukraine is one of the world leaders in the field of nuts cultivation.
It is necessary to notice, that nowadays European Union becomes the main export market for Ukrainian agricultural products. The amount of “agricultural” trade between Ukraine and Russia is almost 5 times lower than between Ukraine and EU.
All these facts confirm, that agricultural industry of Ukraine is one of the most attractive branches for investments.
Task 2. Answer the questions (письмово в робочому зошиті)
1. Why is agriculture one of the most important branches of Ukrainian economy?
2. What crops are the most popular in Ukrainian agriculture?
3. Which another agricultural fields are also good developed in Ukraine?
4. What is the most promising branch in Ukraine?
5. What is the main export market for Ukrainian agricultural products?
Task 3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words and word combinations.
trade partner, cereal crops, nuts, economy, feed crops
1. The most important ... in Ukraine are: wheat, rye, corn, rice, barley, oat.
2. The variety of climatic and demographic reasons plays a great role in Ukrainian ... .
3. The mostt popular ... in Ukraine are sugar beets and sunflowers.
4. ... cultivation is also very developed in Ukraine.
5. EU is the main ... for Ukraine.
Task 4. Do the test
16. 10. 2020
Task 1. Введення лексики (Записати лексику в зошити!)
acre акр
arable орний
to mix змішувати
horse кінь
gradually поступово
to disappear зникати
to complete конкурувати
predominant переважаючий
useful корисний
to plow орати
to settle оселятися
permanent постійний
sources of food ресурс їжі
hunting полювання
tank контейнер
trailer фургон
barn сарай
herd стадо
equipment обладнання
Task 2. Read and translate the text (Читати , перекладати текст )
There are about 53500 farms in England. Most of them are farms less than 50 acres each. These small farms are family farms. All the work on the farm is done by the farmer and his family.
The types of the farm in England are different soil and climatic areas. In the Eastern part of England most farms are arable. The farmers grow different crops here. They grow grain crops and potatoes, fruits and vegetables and other crops. In the Western part of the country dairy farms are predominant.
Most small farms in England are mixed farms on which farmers grow some crops and keep some farm animals.
In old days most of the work on farms was done by hand or with the help of horses. Now the work is highly mechanized. Many useful machines are used by farmers. The soil is plowed with a tractor, crops are planted with different planting machines, and grain crops are harvested with combines.
Task 3. Match the words to make up
expressions according to the text (З`єднати вирази згідно до тексту)
) family |
2) different |
3) mixed |
4) highly |
5) grain |
6) help of |
7) planting |
8) gradually |
a) horses |
b) crops |
c) farms |
d) disappearing |
e) machines |
f) farms |
g) mechanized |
h) regions |
1) 1. How________________________________________________________?
- There are about 53500 farms in England.
2) 2. Who________________________________________________________?
- All the work on the farm is done by the farmer and his family.
3) 3. What kinds___________________________________________________?
- . In the Eastern part of England most farms are arable.
4) 4. Why________________________________________________________?
- Small farms are gradually disappearing because they cannot complete with modern big ones.
5) 5. Where _______________________________________________________?
- In the Western part of the country dairy farms are predominant.
Task 5. Match the following English words with their definition (З`єднайте слова з їх значенням)
1) farm 2)dairy 3)to milk 4) tank 5)trailer 6)barn 7)herd 8)equipment | a) covered building for keeping animals b) container for liquid or gas c) area of land and buildings for growing crops, raising animals etc d) raised to produce milk e) number of animals (esp. cattle) feeding or going about together f) things needed for a particular purpose g) draw milk from the cow h) transport vehicle pulled by a tractor |
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